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Philosophical Method In Obtaining Information In Digital Age By Askar Askar
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Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIIS), 2022 ISSN: Website: https://jurnal.uindatokarama.ac.id/index.php/iciis/issue/archive Philosophical Method In Obtaining Information In Digital Age Moh Syafran S. Djibran*1, Askar Askar2 & Saepudin Mashuri3 1Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia 2Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia 3Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia *Corresponding Author: Moh Syafran S. Djibran E-mail: [email protected] ARTICLE INFO ABSTRAK Volume: 1 ISSN: This research is entitled “Philosophical Method In Obtaining Information In Digital Age” with an introduction explaining that the development of philosophy is currently KEYWORDS very much needed in the digital era. This situation comes to the research problem of how the philosophical method in obtaining information in the digital age dealing with. Philosophizing In Digital Age The objective of this research is that the philosophical method approach will reduce the level of information obtained as false information (hoaxes), and will increase the number of information obtained as true information (facts). This research applied qualitative method specifically through library research. The results of the study show that the philosophical method uses three understandings, namely: Radical thinking or thinking to the roots, the second is Universal thinking or thinking broadly to obtain a strong source of information, the third is Systematic thinking, or thinking that is required how to think in a structured way. By using this understanding of information in the digital era is to understand what to convey the information, then look for who provided the information, biographies, or views of the character's thoughts, and what is the background of someone in obtaining that information. So that by using the Universal understanding, the main information data source (Primary) and the supporting information data source (Secondary) can be achieved, as well as using the systematic method, the first is the
of the
the second is the
of the
the third is the
of the
the fourth is the
date, month and year. With this philosophical method, the information obtained in the digital era is information that has a valid source of information. 1. Introduction The history of philosophy is a portrait of the struggle of thinkers in finding the truth. While philosophy itself has the understanding of human effort with reason to obtain a worldview and a satisfying life (Hadiwijono, 2000: 8-9). But actually, the definition of philosophy is very diverse according to the character of rational philosophy, which means logistic, systematic, and critical (Rapar, 1996:15). As a study, philosophy is something that is both interesting and quite frustrating for those who study it. One way to study philosophy is to read the history of thought of previous philosophers, before reading their major works (Kenny, 2006). Therefore, the expertise and students of philosophy have a demand to study history of philosophy as a necessity. 1Moh Syafran S. Djibran is a Student of Islamic Regilius Study Program at Postgraduate School, Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia. This paper was presented at The 1st International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIIS) 2022, as a presenter, held by the Postgraduate School Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia.. Conceptualizing Learning Experience of Students in Indonesian Vocational Education and Training (VET) This is an era in which the development of increasing the intense of human interaction with information and technology. In the past, philosophy was about human life and death. When life is like shrouded in a mist of mystery. This is not matched by how humans acquire knowledge. Humans are instantly born into the world and do not necessarily understand the essence of their creationand burdened with the complexity of human problems from time to time. The digital era does not necessarily make it easy for humans to find their identity. In fact, with the abundance of information, it is easier for us to solve the problems of our lives, however in contrast to the existing reality. That's why there is more and more information that is widely spread which causes many people to focus on fake news in the era of technology that can make it easier for humans. Humans go against the direction like worshiping technology or living under the domination of technology. Have humans experienced a common sense deficit? There is no guarantee that the amount of knowledge, guarantees that humans will become more moral. Just look at the behavior of corrupt elite officials who have a high level of insight. Many more irrational cases should not be practiced by creatures who are said to be rational. In exploring the media in the current digital era, we are required to learn everything, we are directed to find more absolute information and are directed to search for information (Big Data), in this case, the internet. On the internet, if we look for more in-depth information, we will get very broad information in finding a topic that topic, there is correct information (Facts) and there is also wrong information (hoaxes). This is where philosophy plays an important role in finding this information so that we can avoid misinformation (Hoaxes). In philosophy, there are ways to explore information using philosophical methods, but before that, we first need to understand how the basis of thinking from philosophy. The basis of philosophical thinking is: thinking radically (thinking to its roots), thinking universally, and thinking systematically. Therefore, the author took this theme so that can be understood by readers how impactful philosophy is in the digital era so that digital can be used correctly. 2. Literature Review 2.1. Definition of Philosophy In the book General Philosophy written by Achmadi (2003:1), it is written that philosophy etymologically comes from the Greek word philosophia, which comes from the verb Filosofia which means loving wisdom. to love, or philia which means love, and Sophia which means wisdom. In English, it is called philosophy which is usually translated as a love of wisdom. Indonesia itself uses the word philosophy, referring to its nature, namely philosophical. When referring to the person, the correct word is used, namely philosopher. Unless the word philosophy is used instead of philosophy, the correct adjective is philosophical, to the person, namely philosopher (Rapar, 1996:14). Suriasumantri in Science in perspective (2003:4) states that philosophy is a radical and comprehensive way of thinking, a way of thinking that explores something deeply. A similar thought about philosophy proposed by Latif (2014: 4) philosophy is the result of the roots of a human being who seeks and thinks deeply about the truth (radic). In other words, philosophy is a science that studies seriously the nature of the existence of things. Then in more detail, the definition of philosophy was written by Muliono (2019: 9) states that philosophy is a rational, critical, and radical reflection on basic things in life. As for what is meant by rational reflection here, it is contemplation, namely scientific contemplation, which does not depart from revelation, tradition, let alone myth, but solely relies on reason or reason and reasoning. Critical reflection means that philosophy is the art of asking questions deeply, questioning what exists (being) or what might exist, so philosophy is often called speculative thinking. The question asked by philosophy has a deep (radical) characteristic, where the question is dug as deep to its roots. Based on the three definitions of philosophy above, it is very clear that philosophy is largely determined by the human ability to use reason or reason in thinking, questioning something to the root (radic) or very basic things, and also thinking about answering every question to the truth. or like truth itself. Citing the Philosophy of Education Textbook, Harold H. Titus put forward the notion of philosophy in a narrow sense as well as in a broad sense. In a narrow sense, philosophy is defined as a science related to the methodology or logical analysis of language and the analysis of meanings. Philosophy is defined as the "science of science" whose task is to provide critical analysis of the assumptions and concepts of science, as well as to systematize or organize knowledge. In a broader sense, philosophy tries to integrate different human knowledge and make a comprehensive view of the universe, life, and the meaning of life. There are several definitions of philosophy put forward by Harold Titus, namely: ICIIIS Volume 1 Tahun 2022
a. Philosophy is an attitude
life and
b. Philosophy is a method of reflective thinking and
reasoning research.
c. Philosophy is a
of problems
d. Philosophy is a
theories and
systems of
thinking 2.2. Definition of Digital We come to know that now
we have entered the digital era
, where all activities
be carried
out in a very
The development of the digital era continues to run fast and cannot be stopped by humans. Because actually, we are
the ones who demand and ask for
things to be more efficient and more practical. Of course, this will also
come along with
negative and positive impacts. The
general understanding of
the digital era is
a condition
of the times or life in which all activities that support life can be facilitated by the
of all-sophisticated technology
. In order to deal with it well, then you must prepare a very mature business plan. 3. Methodology The researcher uses descriptive qualitative in this research. Researchers are directly in the field or research location trying to find and get data, pictures, and conduct interviews
about the object of
research study, and then answer the research problem formulation based on the data obtained
, using interviews.
This research is descriptive research, which is a study that seeks to observe problems systematically and accurately regarding the facts and properties of certain objects. The method used
to analyze
qualitative method (Lexi J. Meleong 1998). 4. Results and Discussions The results of this study explain how the methodology is to dig up information in the digital era, therefore the author based on the formulation of the problem referred to, the author will explain about getting factual information through media in the digital era by using philosophical methods so that they can explain the meaning of how radical thinking, systematic way of thinking and universal way of thinking. 4.1 Radical Radical Thinking (radix = root) is the characteristic of philosophical thinking that want to explore and explore reality or ideas to their roots, to find and raise the foundations of their thoughts as a whole to the surface. Through this way of thinking, a fundamental and deep thinking result is obtained, as well as an adequate responsibility in building philosophical thinking and the scientific mind itself. The characteristics of the thought in question, indicate that people do not need to rush to conclusions before discovering the nature of the fundamental truth, and thus, they are not easily trapped into misguided and erroneous thoughts or crimes. Radical thinking shows that philosophy as a process and result of thought always tries to lay the basis and strategy for the thinking itself so that it can withstand the critical tests or challenges (tests) of the times with any new streams of thought. (A. Watloly, 2020). So from the above understanding, it can be concluded by the author that a radical way of thinking is to manage our minds by understanding science more deeply such as: a. by understanding what is conveyed in the information. b. then find out who provided the info. c. biographies or views of the character's thoughts. d. What is the background in obtaining this understanding. 149 Conceptualizing Learning Experience of Students in Indonesian Vocational Education and Training (VET) 4.2 Universal Universal Thinking is the characteristic of philosophical thinking that always looks for universal ideas, which can apply in all places. Philosophical thought will never stop in a limited reality, it will break through to seek and find ideas that are global and become a reference for general thought. Thoughts are particular and contextual (parts separated according to the context of space and time) and are raised and placed (synthesized) in a whole and universal part, as an existential reality that is uniquely human. (A. Watloly, 2020). In sum the writer can conclude that universal thinking is a thought that obtained with several kinds of knowledge to give birth to a conclusion, universal thought cannot accept an understanding based on one understanding only but from other supporting understandings, so if we use that understanding in getting information through media in the digital era so the way to get it is to use information that supports the truth of the information. By using the concept of primary data information (Primary) and supporting data information (Secondary). So based on this method, it will reduce the level of obtaining false information (Hoaxes), and will increase the information obtained by fact. 4.3 Sistematic Systematic and analytical thinking. is a characteristic of philosophical thinking which always thinks logically (structured and orderly based on the law of right thinking). Philosophical thinking does not only release or describe ideas, reasoning, and mind creativity haphazardly (sporadic). Instead, philosophical thought always tries to classify or categorize, synthesize (compile) or accumulate, and show the deepest meaning of thought, assembling and compiling it with words (understanding), sentences (decision), and proof (conclusion) through systems of reasoning. correct and correct. Philosophical thinking always moves step by step, with full awareness (self-examination), trying to find clarity of content and meaning in a structured manner with full maturity in a sequence of procedures or thinking steps that are orderly, responsible, and interconnected regularly. (A. Watloly , 2020). Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that systematic thinking is thought that structured and gradual in formulating knowledge and becoming knowledge that has a very strong foundation. related to obtaining information, an explanation is needed in a structured manner in obtaining factual information, namely by tracing the information including first the title of the information, the second content of the information, the third the author of the information, the fourth date, month, and year of publication of the information. 5. Conclusion From all these explanations, the author concludes that in the method of philosophizing in obtaining information in the digital era, three basics of thought development are needed, namely the first thinking Radically is the thought that gets to its roots, second, namely universal thinking is a pattern of thinking. The paradigm of thinking is very broad so it does not receive only one piece of information but from other supporting information, and finally, systematic thinking is a very structured thinking pattern or persistent thinking pattern in determining a science. This is intended so that the information obtained is true information (facts), and this also reduces the level of information that is found to be false information (Hoax). This method found that three approaches to the concept of philosophy are used to the information found, as if it is associated with the information in the digital era, the methods for obtaining information are: a. Radical (Radix): by understanding what is conveyed in the information, then looking for who provided the information, biographies or views of the character's thoughts, and what is the background in obtaining that understanding. b. Universal (broad): main information data source (Primary) and supporting information data source (Secondary) c. Systematic (structured):
the first is the
of the
the second is the
of the
the third is the
of the
and the fourth is the
date, month, and year of publication of the References A. Watloly. (2020). Ciri Pemikiran Filsafat Bagi Tugas Keilmuan. Managing Human Resources. online di: https://kuliah.unpatti.ac.id/mod/page/view.php?id=11#:~:text=Berpikir Radikal (radix = akar),pemiki rannya secara utuh ke permukaan. Cited on October 10th 2022. ICIIIS Volume 1 Tahun 2022 Fransisco, Budi. H. (2022). Tugas Filsafat Di Era Komunikasi Digital: Kriteria Epistimologi, Estetis, Dan Eteis. Managing Human Resources. online di: https://www.sesawi.net/tugas-filsafat-di-era-komunikasi-digital-kriteria-epistemologis-estetis- dan-etis-3/. Cited on October 10th 2022. Him, Ran. (2019). Berfilsafat Di Era Digital. Managing Human Resources. online di:https://www.kompasiana.com/radenainulyakin/5dc8d25c097f36453c4a94c4/berfilsafat-di-era-digital. Cited on October 10th 2022. Ibnu. (2022). Era Digital: Pengertian, Kelebihan dan Dampak dari Adanya Era Digital. Managing Human Resources. online di: https://accurate.id/teknologi/era-digital/. Cited on October 10th 2022. Iftitah, Nurul L. (2022). Pengertian Filsafat Menurut Para Ahli Dan Penjelasan Metodenya. Managing Human Resources. online di: https://katadata.co.id/safrezi/berita/61f205ff60208/pengertian-filsafat-menurut-para-ahli-dan-penjelasan- metodenya. Cited on October 10th 2022 151 147 148 150