Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022, Vol. 6, No. 12, 721-736 Factors Influence Muslim Students' Motivation To Use Online Academic Support Services Within Islamic Higher Education In Indonesia Askar Askar1, Adawiyah Pettalongi2, Nurdin Nurdin3 1,2Associate Professor at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, INDONESIA 3Professor at Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Universitas
Islam Negeri
*Corresponding author
email: askar
Abstract Students' academic advising support is considered important in students' success within a higher education institution. The students support service help students solve academic problems during their study period through direct consultation between students and academic advisors. Currently, such students' academic support services are available online to make the services easier to access. However, limited studies have been conducted to understand factors that affect students' motivation to adopt online academic support services within Islamic universities which practice strong Islamic values. Therefore, the aim of the study is to explore factors that influence Muslim students to adopt and use online academic advising support systems within an Islamic university in Indonesia. We tested five variables
to find out
factors for
Muslim students to
adopt and
academic advising support system. We recruited 160 students from four faculties within an Islamic university, and then we distributed a five-scale Likert scale online questionnaire. The results of our study show that variables perceived
of use, perceived usefulness, perceived interactivity, perceived
non-mahram avoidance,
and perceived
anonymity have significantly influenced the students’ intention to adopt and use the online academic advising support systems. Our findings contribute to the understanding that online academic advising support systems can attract more Muslim students to the system within a university. The high rate of web-based academic advising support systems adoption and use might increase the student's academic success and increase the high rate of student retention. This study might contribute to the rampant adoption and use of web-based academic advising support systems within universities in the future. Keywords: Online advising services; online advising adoption; academic support INTRODUCTION Students' academic advising services within higher education institutions have received great attention from many scholars (LaPadula, 2003; van Wyk, 2021). The academic advising service has been found can increase students' academic outcomes (Renner-Potacco, Orellana, Chen, & Salazar, 2019) and reduce students' dropout (Lee-St. John et al., 2018) because students can get help regarding academic difficulties.
Academic advising refers to a series of planned interactions between students and academic advisors to discuss program requirements, course specifications, learning outcomes, and other related topics and issues in the program of study
(C. X. Wang & Houdyshell, 2021). University students often experience academic difficulties
at an early stage or during the whole
, which is mostly four years at the undergraduate level. The difficulties in academics
have resulted in
increasing number of students
study leave for a certain period
(Lotkowski, Robbins, & North, 2004; Morse, Spoltore, & Galvinhill, 2017; Naidoo & Cartwright, 2018).
This phenomenon is worse when a campus does not have academic advising and help support
Students might keep the stressful situation without a solution which may cause their education failure
(Hunt & Eisenberg, 2010). Most universities in developing countries have yet to establish an academic advising service center, such as Thailand (Choompunuch, Lebkhao, Suksatan, & Suk-erb, 2022), Philipines (Castolo & Diana Lee Tracy K. Chan, 2018), and Tanzania (Fussy, 2018). Islamic universities have also been found to lack academic support services. For example, Islamic education institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia have been found to lack academic advising facilities, which causes low student achievement (Hashim & Langgulung, 2008). Besides, some students of Islamic universities come from traditional boarding schools 1 Which often forbids
Men and women have direct contact
(Al-Kaysi, 2003; Ali, 2010; Srimulyani, 2007). Such Islamic rule
has caused male or female students to
be reluctant to
consultations with
advisors. 1 . An Islamic boarding school is a traditional Islamic institution of education, and its curriculum and academic culture mostly focus on Islamic teaching. However, the boarding schools also apply the national curriculum together with Islamic teaching. Islamic values are strongly implemented. For example, male and female students are not mixed. 2
The Arabic term mahram is derived from haraam, which literally means something which is
However, since the emergence of new information technology, educational institutions have changed their academic advising services from traditional face-to-face to online academic advising to reduce direct interaction between advisors and students (C. X. Wang & Houdyshell, 2021). The new information technology supports two-ways interaction that encourages the adoption and use of web-based academic advising services within higher education institutions (Talukder, 2020). The web-based academic advising services provide benefits such as accessibility across devices for users (Unsworth, So, Chua, Gudimetla, & Naweed, 2021), protection of personal data (W. Wang, 2016), and increased flexibility and scalability of access (Tella, Ukwoma, & Kayode, 2020). Online academic advising can also reduce users' costs and time to access it. Empirical evidence also showed that more students were satisfied and experienced the academic support e-tools as very helpful for academic consultation (van Wyk, 2021). Previous studies (e.g:
Dowling & Rickwood, 2013; Leibert, Jr., Munson, & York, 2006
) show that active use of online advising services due to users' identities is more confidential because direct contact is not required. As such, using an online academic advising method may encourage more Muslim students to engage in this service because direct interaction with non-mahram is eliminated. Academic advising is essential in linking students to learning opportunities, helping them realize key learning outcomes, and improving their engagement (Mohamed, 2016). Academic advising support center
may become an essential element for learning success in Islamic
environments, but it has received little
sacrosanct, or prohibited. In the terminology of Islamic Jurisprudence, a mahram relative is generally one to whom marriage is absolutely and permanently prohibited; and a non-mahram is
one to whom marriage is permissible
attention from researchers. Since academic advising can contribute to improving the satisfaction and retention of students, research on this activity is especially needed in the current situation of competition among Islamic universities in Indonesia and across the globe. Lack of studies of academic advising within Islamic education institutions may cause
lack of academic literature and hinder the development of the institutions. This study, therefore, explores
' adoption and
use of online academic advising services to
consult issues
related to
academic and
campus life. It is expected to shed light on
factors Muslim
adopt and
use online academic advising services
. Understanding factors that influence Muslim students to adopt and use
online advising service not only help the students solve their problem but also help
universities to improve
their education
services. The result could also be used to assist
universities in providing quality, accurate, and consistent advising services to their students
. LITERATURE REVIEW Online academic service adoption and use A study by Mattei, Dodson, Guerin, Goldsmith, & Mazur (2014) found that advising support using online tools can tighten the relationship between a student and an advisor, such as in course planning. Technology-based academic advising can also complement conventional traditional advising services to reduce direct personal contact barriers and inefficiencies (Henderson & Goodridge, 2015).
For example, research conducted by Harbertsroh, et al (2008) on college students in America found that students were very enthusiastic about using online chat to consult because visually, there was no need to meet. Thus the students can consult freely without feeling pressured due to shame or being seen by the
Another study conducted by Rochen, Kan, and Wong (2004
) reported
that male students even showed a more active nature in
online advising. In addition, problems with anonymity, discomfort, and time can be eliminated n the online advising process because it is minus direct contact (Shilpa Suresh & Yogesh, 2018). Such benefits can make
relationships more attractive to those who would hesitate to go into
an advising support
office for fear of being found out by others, embarrassment, or inability to get to the
support center. Meanwhile, academic advising services provided via Facebook (e.g: Amador & Amador, 2014) help students to send messages and receive a response quickly. Students also perceive Facebook as a useful advising tool that enhances their experience. A
study conducted by Tsan and Day (2007) which involved 176 college students, also found that their attitudes and
related to the use of
services on campuses were increasingly active when they learned that
services could be obtained online
Students actively send
instant text messages, and chat through
online sites
. In addition, sensitive issues such as personal problems are expressed freely to their online advisors (Rummell & Joyce, 2010). In some cases,
most of the advisors' time
on campus
is spent on
rather than
assisting the students
. As a result, they need more opportunities to provide advising services with competent advice to help students gain maximum academic potential during their study process. To support
the advising process and to automate
tasks in advising students
, Al-Nory (2012), for example, developed a spreadsheet-based Decision Support tool to ease advisors to provide better academic advising support. As a result,
academic advising systems and tools
are able to
provide true decision support for students and advisors by processing specific student information and producing customized advice for
particular student
. Theoretical Constructs and Hypothesis In this section, we will discuss our theoretical constructs and hypothesis building. Our theoretical constructs and hypotheses become the basis of our study to build our research instruments and to test our theory. A number of studies have focused on adopting and using information technology. Early seminal studies on information technology adoption were carried out by Davis (1989) and Davis (1999). Their theory on information technology adoption and use has been extensively applied and extended in various fields of information system adoption. For example, Saeed & Abdinnour (2008) use variables of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness to study the characteristics of information systems in the post- adoption phase. The use of technology adoption theory in various filed of information systems has caused the extension of the theory with the use of other variables. Table 1 below shows variables in information systems related to online service adoption and use and the authors. Table 1. The Variables for online service adoption and use No Variables Authors 1 Perceived ease of use (Gutiérrez et al., 2020; C. X. Wang & Houdyshell, 2021) 2 Perceived usefulness (Rodda & Lubman, 2014; C. X. Wang & Houdyshell, 2021) 3 Perceived interactivity (Ahn, Park, Lee, & Noh, 2021; Islam, Jebarajakirthy, & Shankar, 2021; Oh, 2022) 4 Perceived non-mahram avoidance (Hosseini, Emamian, & Asadov, 2021; Priyatmoko, Maulana, & Antariksa, 2022; Srimulyani, 2007) 5 Perceived anonymity (Paquette & Cortoni, 2021; Tsikerdekis, 2013; Wu & Atkin, 2018) 6 Use of an online support system (Kim & Kim, 2021; Owusu Kwateng, Appiah, & Atiemo, 2021; Tabim, Ayala, & Frank, 2021) Perceived ease of use of information systems encourages users to adopt and use an information system because they believe it is easy to use (Lwoga & Komba, 2015). The ease of use of an information system reflects users do not have to spend extra effort to learn how to use the system. As such, perceived ease of use causes rapid adoption of information systems within an organization (Changchit, Klaus, Konkani, & Sampat, 2020). Information systems characterized by ease of use also reflect less effort of users in using the systems, or the systems do not require experience to use them (Aldholay, Abdullah, Isaac, & Mutahar, 2020). Therefore we hypothesize as follows: H1: Perceived ease of use positively influences Muslim students to adopt and use online academic support systems Meanwhile, an information system's perceived usefulness reflects that users can use it to solve their work problems (Venkatesh, Thong, Chan, Hu, & Brown, 2011). In other words, information systems can improve work performance and create new organizational innovations. For example, online academic support systems can help students choose what courses to take in an upcoming academic semester (Hilliger et al., 2020). Online academic advising systems within higher education is adopted and used by students because it is useful to support dialogue between students and advisors when advising on a study plan (De Laet et al., 2020), and providing official and informal information regarding courses selection (Ho, Lee, Lo, & Lui, 2018). Users also perceived the usefulness of online academic advising services because the system supports synchronous communication technology when seeking remote academic advising (C. X. Wang & Houdyshell, 2021). Therefore, we hypothesize as follows: H2 : Perceived usefulness positively influences Muslim students to adopt and use online academic advising support systems. Interactivity is a concept that reflects a web-based information system that supports active two-way interaction (Nurdin & Aratusa, 2020; Tinsel et al., 2021). For example, a web-based information system provides more e-tools to interact with company owners. The interactivities tools might be telephone, email, and social media sites that are linked to web-based services (C. X. Wang & Houdyshell, 2021). All the interactivity tools support mutual interaction between users and service providers 24 hours and seven day. Such interactivity tools enhance consultation between students and academic advisors, become more interactive, and it also creates a positive experience in academic advising service provision. Therefore we hypothesize as follows: H3 : Perceived interactivity significantly influences Muslim students to adopt and use online academic advising support systems Avoiding unmarried men and women from mixing with each other within Muslim communities context has been found might contributes to the psychological health of an individual Muslim due to the fear of committing sins (Hosseini et al., 2021). Scholars (e.g. Hosseini et al., 2021; Zempi, 2016) also argue
that the principle of avoiding contact with 'non-mahram’ men is pivotal for
. Some female Muslim students view
free-mixing and socialization between unrelated (non-mahram) men and women
strictly forbidden in
daily life, except a woman has a close relative accompanying her (Zempi, 2016). However, interaction through online systems can reduce worries of committing sins because there is no physical contact between a man and a woman. As such, information systems that support indirect physical contact between men and women in seeking a service might increase users' intention to adopt and use the systems. Therefore, we hypothesize as follows: H4. Perceived non-mahram avoidance significantly influences Muslim students to adopt and use online academic support systems. An online support service that requires confidentiality of users' data should have a feature that can protect users' identities. For example, in an online private consultation, users expect their identities not to be exposed (Al-Issa, Ottom, & Tamrawi, 2019; Ziebland, 2004). In other words, anonymity is an important aspect that should be concerned in an online consultation service when it involves personal affairs. The anonymity mode can be facilitated by online facilities such as websites, emails, chats, etc. However, the facilities are provided as a medium for interaction only, not to replace human functions in online private academic consultation services (Elleven & Allen, 2004). Anonymity also becomes an important characteristic of web-based online academic services because the consultation usually involves users' detailed information and advice regarding personal academic conditions (Brockes, Schenkel, Buehler, Grätz, & Schmidt-Weitmann, 2012). Therefore we hypothesize as follows. H5: Perceived anonymity significantly influences Muslim students to adopt and use online academic advising support systems METHODOLOGY This study used the quantitative method. Data was gathered through an online
survey to find out
factors that affect
Muslim students' intention to
adopt and
academic advising system. An Islamic university academic center provided a web-based academic advising system to support the student's academic advice and consultation. The online academic advising system was provided through the university's official website. Assigned academic advisors were available twenty-four hours and seven days a week. In conducting the study, online structured questionnaires were assigned to 160 students randomly selected from four faculties at the university.
The survey used a five Likert scale ranging from strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. Each variable
Table 2. Demographic data of respondents consisted of questions derived from the theoretical construct. There were twenty-seven questions to be responded to in the survey. Out of 160 distributed questionnaires to students from four faculties, twelve were not returned, and eight were incomplete and were not included for further analysis. Gender Total Percentage Men 71 44 Women 89 56 Total 160 100% Faculties
a. Faculty of Islamic Teacher Training
and Education
b. Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business c. Faculty of Islamic Law d. Faculty of Islamic Philosophy
, Humanities,
Communication 40 40 40 40 25 25 25 25 Total 160 100% A total of 140 completed surveys were
collected to be calculated and
Statistical analysis was
the data collected from
the survey. The result of the analyses was used to determine the factors that influence the students' intention to adopt and use online academic advising support
systems according to each variable developed in the theoretical construct section
. In the measurement of statements, we used five Likert scales ranging from strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3), don't agree (2), and strongly don't agree (1). However, before we distributed the questionnaire, we conducted a
pre-tested with relevant
experts and prospective
respondents and then
followed by a pilot
with 20 university students. The
data were analyzed using AMOS version 24. First, we
conducted an
Factor Analysis (EFA) with
components extraction to explore
all constructs used in this study. The constructs were five variables, X, and one variable, Y. Then, we
conducted confirmatory
analysis (CFA) to measure
loading, reliability, convergent, and
DISCUSSION Statistics descriptive Before conducting confirmatory analysis to measure factor loading, reliability, convergent, and discriminate validity, we conducted a statistical description of factors that affect students' intention to adopt and use online academic advising support systems. The calculation of the mean showed that the highest mean score is in the first item of the perceived ease of use factor, which is 4.15, while the lowest mean score is in the second item of the perceived anonymity factor, which is 3.51. Meanwhile, the calculation of Standard Deviation showed that the fourth item of perceived interactivity has the highest score, which is 0.885, while the fourth item of factor, perceived ease of use, has the lowest score, which is 0.575. The results of the statistical description of the items and variables are presented in table 2 below: Table 3. The statistical description of factors that influence online academic advising adoption and use Factors and indicators Mean SD Perceived ease of use (PEU) PEU1: I find the web-based academic support can be accessed quickly 4.15 0.731 PEU2: The web-based academic support system help determine the appropriate academic advisor 3.55 0.643 PEU3: The web-based academic support system is easy to use in determining consultation topics 3.57 0.651 PEU4: Less effort is required to use the web-based academic support system 3.69 0.737 PEU5: I did not need to work hard to use the web-based support system 3.36 0.575 Perceived Usefulness (PU) PU1: I find the use of a web-based academic support system improves my consultation efficiency 3.62 0.622 PU2: I can manage my academic consultation time anytime I want 3.50 0.585 PU3: I become more skillful when using the web-based academic support system 3.89 0.836 PU4: I find the web-based academic support system helps me to consult my academic problems more easier 3.73 0.736 Perceived Interactivity (PI) PI1: I find the web-based academic support services are very interactive 3.56 0.730 PI2: The web-based academic support service supports two-way communication between students and advisors 3.69 0.796 PI3: The web-based academic support services have more tools for interaction 3.64 0.762 PI4: I can choose many tools on the web-based academic support service to consult with the academic advisors 4.07 0.885 Perceived non-mahram avoidance (PNA) PNA1: The web-based academic support system helps me to avoid direct contact with different-sex academic advisors 3.76 0.816 PNA2: Regardless of the sex of an advisor, I find the web-based academic support systems make me more open to expressing my academic problems 3.90 0.882 PNA3: I am not reluctant to discuss my academic problems through the web-based academic support systems even though with different sex advisors 3.82 0.826 PNA4: The web-based academic support prevents me from feeling sinful when I discuss with a different sex advisors 3.78 0.835 PNA5: No matter a man or a woman advisor, when I use web-based academic support systems for academic consultation 3.82 0.856 Perceived anonymity (PA) PA1: The web-based academic support systems help me to keep my identity undisclosed 3.92 0.842 PA2: I find the way we consult with the academic advisors can protect my personal information 3.51 0.665 PA3: I am confident my information during academic consultation on the web-based academic support system is confidential 3.66 0.776 Intention to Adopt and Use (ItoAU) ItoAU: I will continue using the web-based counseling systems 3.52 0.634 ItoAU2: I am interested in continuing the use of web-based counseling systems to consult my personal problems 3.83 0.838 ItoAU3: I prefer to use web-based online counseling systems over conventional counseling systems 3.52 0.635 ItoAU4: I will suggest my friends adopt the web-based counseling systems for personal and academic consultation 3.65 0.751 ItoAU5: I will keep using the web-based counseling systems as frequently as possible 3.63 0.767 ItoAU6: I will enjoy using web-based counseling systems in the future 3.64 0.742 4.2 Factors influencing adoption and use of online academic advising support systems The constructs were used to determine the factors that influenced Muslim students to adopt and use online academic advising support systems. Table 4 below shows the results of the measurement. The results below show that all items fit their variables. All the loading items from scores 0.600 to 0.850 shows higher than
the threshold of 0.50. The
coefficient of
Cronbach's alpha for all factors
variables spanned between
to 0
means they
higher than
the 0.7
value. Furthermore,
the composite reliability values (CR) were
higher than
84 to 0.918
), while
the average extracted variances
higher than
the recommended 0.5
value, meaning that
between all
and the
adopt and
(ItoAU) of academic advising support systems has shown internal consistency reliability or the variables consistency with the scale (Nadal, Sas, & Doherty, 2020; Vahdat, Alizadeh, Quach, & Hamelin, 2021). Table 4. The Results of the Calculation Constructs Factors
extracted Cronbach’s alpha Standardized
loading Squared multiple correlations Composite reliability Average
PEU1 0.771 0.721 0.520 PEU2 0.743 0.584 0.340 PEU3 PEU4 PEU4 0.751 0.798 0.808 0.788 0.620 0.875 0.710 0.380 0.770 0.480 0.843 0.503 PU1 PU2 PU3 PU4 0.738 0.847 0.790 0.810 0.815 0.627 0.795 0.745 0.754 0.390 0.630 0.560 0.570 0.909 0.538 PI1 PI2 PI3 PI4 0.890 0.880 0.850 0.790 0.823 0.850 0.820 0.640 0.680 0.720 0.670 0.410 0.460 0.898 0.602 PNA1 PNA2 PNA3 PNA4 PNA5 PNA6 0.860 0.870 0.880 0.778 0.810 0.780 0.721 0.790 0.600 0.640 0.710 0.700 0.730 0.620 0.360 0.410 0.500 0.610 0.570 0.840 0.502 PA1 PA2 PA3 0.820 0.840 0.810 0.847 0.840 0.680 0.780 0.710 0.460 0.600 0.918 0.670 ItoAU1 ItoAU2 ItoAU3 ItoAU4 ItoAU5 ItoAU6 0.840 0.850 0.790 0.720 0.740 0.780 0.835 0.730 0.680 0.750 0.700 0.720 0.750 0.530 0.460 0.560 0.490 0.510 0.560 0.892 0.617 Table 4 above also indicates that the more factors' loading different among items within similar variables, the bigger the gap between the score of CR and Cronbach's Alpha. Our study also
compared the square root of the average variance extracted
and the correlation between
variables in examining the discriminant validity (Fu, Chan, Wong, & Yip, 2018). The discriminant validity indicated whether or not the variables in the research model are significantly related among them. The square roots of the average extracted variance of all variables were found to be larger than the relationship estimated with the other variables. In other words, the computation technique exceeds adequate reliability, validity,
and discriminant validity. The
highlight scores
on the diagonal
the square root of
the average extracted variance.
The results of the
theoretical constructs
the standardized regression coefficient, the critical ratio (t-value), and the probability (P-value). The model tested in this study
significant influence
of all five factors
the intention of students to
adopt and
online academic advising support systems. We found all variables significantly influence the student's adoption and use of online academic advising support systems with a
determined significant level was 5% (p < 0.05
). In our research theoretical constructs section, we hypothesized that factors
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived interactivity, perceived
non-mahram avoidance,
and perceived
anonymity positively influence
students' intention to adopt and use the online academic advising support systems. Based on our statistical calculation results, we found that the standardized regression coefficient
indicated the significance of all factors to the
intention of
students to
adopt and
online academic advising support systems Figure 1. Results of the study ranging from 0.229 to 0.367. The perceived usefulness factor strongly influences the student's intention to adopt and use the systems. Meanwhile, the factor of perceived interactivity played the weakest influence on the students' adoption and use of online academic advising support systems. As a result, our model is presented in figure 1 below. The results above also indicate that the more factors loading different among items within similar variables, the bigger the gap between the score of CR and Cronbach's Alpha. Our study also
compared the square root of the average variance extracted
and the correlation between
variables in examining the discriminant validity(C.C & Prathap, 2020). The discriminant validity indicated whether or not the variables in the research model are significantly related among them. Our study shows that our research constructs and hypothesis are proven significantly and able to describe factors of Muslim students' intention to adopt and use academic advising support systems. Tested constructs (factors):
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived interactivity, perceived
non-mahram avoidance
and perceived
anonymity in
online academic advising system adoption and use were all important factors that affect the students' intention to adopt the web-based counseling systems. The results of this study support earlier relevant studies. For example, earlier research (e.g. Zhang, Li, & Fan, 2020) found that the perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU) of online health consultation has significantly influenced users' intention to adopt and use it. Our study indicated that users with high-perceived usefulness expectancy tend to adopt and use academic advising support systems. The variable perceived interactivity (PI) played an important influence on users' intention to adopt and use online academic advising support. The finding indicated that students expect the online academic advising support systems can be accessed through many interactive e-tools such as WhatsApp, email, and web chat. Such interactive facilities can generate a positive experience for the students, resulting in high intention to adopt and use the system (Alvarez-Jimenez et al., 2020). The variable perceived non-mahram avoidance (PNA) also contributed
a positive
on the student's intention to
adopt and
online academic advising support systems in which the systems allow the students to access it twenty-four hours and seven days a week. The online academic advising support systems is considered can prevent them from committing sins when it supports the students to interact remotely with non-mahram advisors (Zempi, 2016). The students perceived non- mahram avoidance increases the psychological happiness of the students in using online academic advising consultation because the students can practice clear relationship rules as regulated by Islamic values and norms (Syed, 2008). The variable perceived anonymity (PA) was also found to have an important
effect on the student's intention to
adopt and
online academic advising support systems. The finding suggested that online personal consultation services that guarantee confidentiality and personal data can enhance the adoption and use of the systems (Paquette & Cortona, 2021). In other words, the online academic advising support systems’ characteristics that allow indirect interaction with anonymous identities between the students and academic advisors might have caused rapid adoption and use of the systems. CONCLUSION We have shown significant factors that affect Muslim students' intention to adopt and use online academic advising support systems.
Knowing the trend of
the student's
intention to
adopt and
use a technology product may help policymakers improve the
quality
so that the technology services can be
maximally by users (Norfazlina, Akma, Adrina, & Noorizan, 2016). Besides that
, our study
can also be a factor in the success of an information system created
(Vaezi, Mills, Chin, & Zafar, 2016), which in this study is the online academic advising support systems within Islamic higher education institutions context. Our study contributes to both the theory and practice world. From theoretical perspective, our study shed light on the understanding of the predictors of Muslim students’ intention to adopt and use online academic advising support systems within Islamic higher education institutions. This study also might become a reference for academia
and higher education
practitioners. For the
the model
in the study can be tested with
a broader context
more populations from other universities. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS As the findings show that students express more complaints through an online academic advising center, there is an urgent need for the Islamic university to establish a permanent online academic advising center. Furthermore, the online academic advising center can limit barriers regarding Muslim students' beliefs and norms towards opposite-sex advisors issues because most students who come from traditional boarding Islamic schools have strong beliefs towards direct personal contact with non-mahram advisors. Besides, during the online academic advising session,
this study
found that students are more open to
exposing campus environment issues such as bureaucracy, fairness, and service quality. These issues can help the university to improve its management and service. The university may also use these findings to improve its service quality, eliminate bureaucracy inertia, and create equality and openness in service provision. Through a permanent online academic advising center, the university may assign helpful advisors who can serve as an academic family, validating educational experiences and propelling academic successes to make sense of the university. References 1. Ahn, J., Park, J.-M., Lee, W.-H., & Noh, G.-Y. (2021). Website interactivity and processing: Menu customization and sense of agency are keys to better interaction design. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 147, 102581. doi: 1 2. Al-Issa, Y., Ottom, M. A., & Tamrawi, A. (2019). eHealth Cloud Security Challenges: A Survey. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2019, 7516035. doi:10.1155/2019/7516035 3. 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