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02 Creativity of Islamic Religious Education Te...

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Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIIS), 2022 ISSN: Website:
Creativity of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in the Development of Learning Media
at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan Donggala Regency Andry Lucky Ahmad *1, Adawiyah Pettalongi2 & Dzakiah Dzakiah3 1
Faculty of Islamic Religious Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia
2 State Islamic University (UIN) Datokarama Palu 3 State Islamic University (UIN) Datokarama Palu *Corresponding Author: Andry Lucky Ahmad
E-mail : andryluckyahmad27903@ ARTICLE INFO ABSTRAK Volume: 1 ISSN
: This article discusses
the creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing learning media
at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan, Donggala Regency. There KEYWORDS are 2 sub-problems in this article, namely, 1.)
How is the creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing learning media
at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan, Creativity, Media, Teacher Donggala Regency, and 2.) Factors that hinder and support Islamic Religious Education teachers in development of learning media at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan. The author uses qualitative research, using
data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique that the author uses is data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results obtained by the author indicate that the
creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing learning media
at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan Donggala Regency is by developing learning media through the use of applications such as YouTube, WhatsApp and Google. In addition, the teacher also uses Sketch Media, Posters, Pictures, Audio and Video which are used in learning activities. The supporting and inhibiting factors for Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing learning media at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan, Donggala Regency, namely, supporting factors include facilities and infrastructure, skills, support from various parties. While the inhibiting factors include the lack of preparation from the teacher, the internet network that has not been maximized, and inadequate facilities. 1. Introduction Education is an endless topic to discuss. Starting from educators, students, materials, and all things that help improve the quality of education itself. In education, an active, creative, and innovative attitude is needed in a learning activity so that everything goes in accordance with educational goals. For this reason, all educators must be able to be creative and monitor in regulating or managing learning so that it is in accordance with what has become the task and role of education. Education in, is very mandatory in Islam which all aspects of education are very important to pay attention to, as the word of God in QS. Al-Mujadillah,[58]:11 "O you who believe when it is said that 'be spacious in the assembly'. Then Allah will give 1 Andry Lucky Ahmad is a Student of Islamic Religious Education Study Program at Postgraduate School,
Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia. This paper was presented at The 1st International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIIS) 2022, as a presenter, held by the Postgraduate School Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia
. you spaciousness, and if it is said: 'Stand up', then stand up, Allah will surely exalt those who believe among you and those who have been given knowledge to several degrees, and Allah knows what you do. (Ministry of Religion RI, 2010) The teacher is an important figure in an education system where the teacher has the duty and function to educate, educate, and even instill good attitudes and behavior into students. One of the serious and often faced problems by teachers is choosing and developing appropriate and appropriate learning media in teaching and learning In order to assist students in the competence of competence in learning. In learning, a media material or learning tool is needed. Problems related to learning media are choosing and determining, how to develop media that will be used for teaching materials. There are some teachers who only use some media which will be seen without any development in it in a lesson. In the learning process, of course, the teacher must have ideas and ideas in using learning media which in this case must be developed and selected learning media so that it is not monotonous in one media only where another goal in development is that the teacher has no difficulty in teaching and media to facilitate participants students and teachers
in the learning process. Islamic Religious Education teachers are required to be more creative and innovative in the development of
learning media, as it is known that technology is increasingly sophisticated which makes the learning system must also follow the flow of technological developments. That is, Islamic Religious Education teachers must be smart in developing and choosing appropriate learning media to be applied to students in the learning process by utilizing current technological developments. There are many ways for Islamic religious education teachers to choose learning media to develop it, for example, those who previously taught by only lecturing and using the blackboard only in learning, now with increasingly sophisticated technological developments it can be added with more modern applications or electronic media of course. the results will make learning more interesting and effective in accordance with the objectives of learning and better education. Islamic Religious Education teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan in developing media, always give the best in the learning process. There are various ways that teachers do so that learning becomes effective and quality, one of which is the use of applications and learning media that are more modern than before so that students become more enthusiastic and easy to manage the material they learn. Choosing and using media for teaching materials requires a creativity from an Islamic Religious Education teacher by utilizing existing technology at this time which later will make learning more interesting and different in terms of application and response from students than before and of course will impact on the achievement and quality of education at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan and create creative and competitive teachers and students. Students at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan have a high curiosity but also not a few who feel bored and bored with the lessons given. In the use of technology to access material from the internet, not all of them can use it because of limitations, namely some who do not have laptops and not even all have sophisticated mobile phones and the lack of facilities and infrastructure that are still incomplete and limited. However, with the innovation of teachers who carry out learning in various ways, one of which is using the right media and developing it, learning is memorable and fun and students can understand material that has been thought of and can find out what they do not know. In this study, the author examines the creativity of Islamic Religious Education Teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan in developing media where this creativity is needed in the learning process to make learning fun, make it easier to choose and deliver lessons to students that are safe will also be motivation for the next generation in selecting and developing learning media used in the learning process. How
the creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in developing learning media
at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan, Donggala Regency, will be discussed in this article. ICIIIS Volume 1 Tahun 2022 2. Literature Review 2.1 Creativity According to Yeni Rachmawati and Euis Kurniati, creativity
is a person's ability to produce new things in the form of
views, ideas or real works that are different from the previous ones. And they added that creativity is a higher-order thinking ability associated with increasing the ability to think between each stage of development. (Rachmawati and Kurniati, 2011) Creativity is a curiosity that is driven by a willingness to combine or the ability of a person to find new things whose usefulness has an impact and is felt by others. (Shaodih 2004) The new thing is not always something that has never existed before, the elements may have existed before, but one finds a new arrangement, a new relationship, a new construct that has a different quality from the previous state. Creativity can be recognized and enhanced through proper education. In terms of teaching, educators are objects of creativity for their students, and vice versa. Not only limited to this, creativity can emerge from anywhere, anytime and by anyone. Creativity is a complex field of study, which gives rise to different views, the difference lies in how creativity is defined. (Uqshari, 2007) According to Hamzah B Uno, several factors that encourage and inhibit teacher creativity, namely, the factors that encourage sensitivity in seeing the environment, freedom of action, commitment to progress and success, dare to take risks, persevere in practice, face problems as challenges, a positive environment. free and conducive. The inhibiting factors are lazy to think, underestimate the work of others, despair, cannot stand the test, and get satisfied quickly. (Uno, 2011) As creative people, teachers must realize that innovation is finding something important and must be owned and must be supported, guided, and raised by self-awareness. Because a teacher is an actor or creator and motivator in an education center where the teacher must find something or a way to deal with students, so that students will judge for themselves that the teacher is indeed creative and does not do something that quickly gets bored. 2.2 Islamic Religious Education Teacher
Teachers are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and developing students in the flow of formal education for early childhood education, basic education, and secondary education
. (Rahman, 2011)
In the perspective of Islamic education, teachers or educators are responsible for
the development of students by seeking
to develop all the potential of students, both affective, cognitive, and psychomotor
potentials from zero years (even from the womb) to adulthood and even up to adulthood. death, mainly parents (father and mother) and teachers who assist parents in the educational development of their children. (Helmawati, 2014) Teachers as educators are the determinants of success in the world of education. Therefore, teachers are required to create new things or develop their creativity in the learning process. Creative teachers must find ways to make the learning process achieve the results that have become the initial goals of learning. 2.3 Development of Learning Media Development is research, usually used in education called development research. Development education research, which we are more familiar with by the term Research and Development (R and D). This development research is sometimes referred to as a research-based development or also known as research-based development. (Sukiman, 2012) 229 Gerlarc and P. Ely learning media in a broad and narrow sense. Media in a broad sense are people, materials, or events that can acquire new
knowledge, skills, or attitudes. In this sense, teachers , books, and the environment include media
. Whereas in a narrow sense are graphic media, portraits, images, mechanical and electronic tools used to reveal, process, and convey visual and verbal information. (Bakri, 2011)
Learning media is an important part of the learning system . There are many kinds of learning media that can be used , the use of which includes many benefits. The use of learning media must be based on the right selection so that it can enlarge the meaning and function in supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process. Learning media can also be interpreted as everything that can be used to channel messages, thoughts, feelings , concerns, and willingness of students so that they can encourage the learning process
. 3. Methodology This research is qualitative research, located in SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan, Donggala Regency, collecting data
using interview, observation, and documentation methods. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data presentation, and
data levers. 4. Results and Discussion 4.1
Islamic Religious Education Teachers ' Creativity in the development of learning media The development of
learning media aims
to improve the quality of learning that triggers the quality and quality of
education so that it can compete and be on par with educational units in other Asian countries. In the use and selection of learning media, it has a significant influence on developing learning which in the development of a learning media, learning will be more interesting and the delivery of the material more appropriate with no boredom and boredom from students. SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan is the only high school flanked by Madrasah Aliyah and Vocational High School in South Banawa District, Donggala Regency. And has implemented the 2013 curriculum starting from grades 10-12. In ongoing activities, teachers must be more prepared and mature in processing learning and have the ability to be more creative in teaching. According to the results of the author's interview with Mrs. Anita, as a teacher of Islamic religious education it is said "Teachers must be creative in teaching, namely teachers must learn independently either through Youtube or other literacy such as books or pictures now exist in the modern era, then to increase creativity teachers must follow activities such as seminars, workshops and various other trainings.'' (Anita, 2022) Based on the results of the interview, it can be understood that creativity must be created from a teacher starting training to train skills so that it is easy to think and act in terms of developing creativity. Because in learning the teacher plays a very important role in managing the learning system. In teaching a teacher must use the media and require creativity in developing it so that learning becomes more interesting and must adapt to the rapidly developing increasingly sophisticated technology. The creativity of the teacher is very much needed in the learning process where creativity will make it easier for the teacher to teach and get various ways and strategies in explaining the teaching material to be delivered. To be more creative, teachers must also participate in more activities and training that will increase knowledge as well as experience that will increase the creativity of a teacher. With this knowledge, it will be easier for a teacher to be creative in developing and managing learning, one of which is the selection and development of suitable learning media for various kinds of teaching materials in the teaching and learning process. The learning media used by the teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan varies which is adjusted to the conditions, according to the author's interview with Mr. Haerudin as the Head of SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan stated, ''In developing learning media the teacher uses media that varies depending on the existing conditions and of course in accordance with the learning, as for the media commonly used, namely, android, laptops, and applications provided by the government.'' (Haerudin, 2022) Based on the results of these interviews, it can be seen that teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan in developing learning media are varied depending on the conditions and of course according to the subject. Islamic Religious Education teachers must be more creative in developing learning media. Mrs. Anita said, "In teaching teachers who previously only used the ICIIIS Volume 1 Tahun 2022 blackboard in teaching can now be supported by laptops and projectors that are used to present learning materials and use additional applications" (Anita, 2022) Based on the results of these interviews, it can be seen that Islamic Religious Education teachers in teaching can now use electronic media in teaching and do not always write on the blackboard which we all know writing on the blackboard can take time, with the presence of projectors and laptops, just turn on and explain without time. and presenting the learning material. In developing learning media, they also use applications such as Youtube which in explaining the material first makes a video, then shares it on the Youtube channel and shares the link to students. The usefulness of this media is that the teacher can be more creative and creative in the videos that they want to share with the participants so that the delivery of the material can create an interesting impression for the participants so that they are more enthusiastic and the material described in the video is fast and the students in the video think of the students. (Anita, 2022) It can be seen that the Islamic Religious Education teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan also uses the YouTube media in delivering the material, which is also interesting by adding creative editing skills from the teacher, which material is delivered more imprinted and memorable on the memories of students. The selection and development of appropriate learning media will also increase the curiosity of students in understanding the material provided and of course students will improve the quality of their learning by learning and knowing what the teacher conveys in teaching and of course with direction and from the teacher. This is in accordance with the results of interviews with students Muhammad Junialdi and Siti Rahma Students of class XII SMA Negeri 1 Banwa Selatan. Islamic Religious Education teachers teach by using various media such as video screenings or films related to subjects which makes us want to know a lot of things” (Junialdi, 2022) Islamic Religious Education teachers in teaching using videos or films often give advice or directions if they want to watch it, it must be useful and of course take lessons from everything we see to be studied and studied in everyday life in the form of good morals and courtesy towards others. (Rahma , 2022) It can be understood that Islamic Religious Education teachers in videos or films can increase the enthusiasm of students and increase curiosity about many things and also always motivate and direct students to use and watch lessons that are learned and applied in everyday life like students Must be kind and courteous to others. 4.2 Factors inhibiting
the creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in the development of learning media In the process of
creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in the development of learning media
, there are several obstacles that hinder their implementation. The obstacles are, ''in developing learning media which becomes an obstacle to lack of training, teachers are not pro-active in the development of technology related to learning media, teachers lack in finding something new or opening sites like Google'' (Anita, 2022) It can be understood that the obstacles for teachers in developing learning media are not lacking in training the skills of a teacher, lacking updates in following technological developments which result in lagging behind in new knowledge, especially the development of learning media. The obstacle for teachers in the development of learning media is the internet which is not maximized where if the lights go out, the network will be disrupted and even lost. It can be seen that in the era of globalization like now in this internet network is very important for developments in various fields, one of which is the field of education which in learning the internet network is useful in communicating and delivering information. Then students do not all have androids and laptops, 231 both of which are useful technology tools for students to use in learning, especially in learning Islamic Religious Education using learning media. 4.3 Factors supporting
the creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in the development of learning media In the process of
creativity of Islamic Religious Education teachers in the development of learning media
there are several supporters who are important factors in its implementation. As for supporters, "in the development of learning media, namely, facilities and infrastructure, skills of Islamic Religious Education teachers, support from schools, support from local and central governments. (Anita, 2022)
It can be understood that what supports the implementation of a learning system related to the creativity of Islamic Religious Education
teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan is the facilities and infrastructure that strongly support the implementation of learning. Then the skills that support teachers to be creative and have various ideas, ways of the learning process. Support from the school also plays an important role, namely the principal and support from the government, which from the support of these parties will make teachers more enthusiastic and free to be creative and the learning system runs in accordance with educational goals. 5. Conclusion The creativity of PAI teachers in developing learning media at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan, Donggala Regency is known in the use and development of learning media using various kinds of media depending on the situation and conditions in learning. The media used to be developed include electronic media using laptops, projectors, as for applications, Youtube, WhatsApp, Google. In addition, the teacher also uses sketch media, posters, pictures, audio, and videos that are used in learning activities. The supporting and inhibiting factors for PAI teachers in developing learning media at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan, Donggala Regency, namely, supporting factors include facilities and infrastructure, skills of PAI teachers, support from the school, and support from the surrounding community and community. Central government. While the inhibiting factors include lack of training, teachers are not proactive in developing technology related to learning media, teachers are lacking in finding out something new or opening search sites such as google, internet networks that are not optimal, there are still students who have not. have technological tools such as android and laptop. References Anita, Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam, ‘’Wawancara’’, ruang kantor,2022 Dapartemen Agama RI, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahannya. Surabaya : Al Hidayah 2010. Haerudin, Kepala Sekolah, ‘’Wawancara’’, ruang Kepala Sekolah, 2022 Hamzah B. Uno, Belajar dengan Pendekatan PAIKEM, Jakarta : Bumi Aksara, 2011. Hasrul Bakri, ‘’Desain Media Pembelajaran Animasi Berbasis Adobe Flash CS3 pada Mata Kuliah Instalasi Listrik 2,’’ Jurnal MEDTEK 3, no 2 (2011), 32 Helmawati, Pendidikan Keluarga Teoritis dan Praktis, Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya, 2014 Muhammad Junialdi, Peserta didik, ‘’Wawancaara’’, ruang kelas, 2022 Nana Syaodih sukmadinata, Landasan Psikologi Proses Pendidikan, cet ke II ; Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya 2004. Siti Rahma, Peserta didik, ‘’Wawancara’’, ruang kelas, 2022 Sukiman, Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran, Yogyakarta : Pustaka Insan Madani, 2012. Yeni Rachmawati dan Euis Kurniati, Strategi Pengembangan Kreativitas pada usia Kanak-Kanak,Jakarta : Kencana 2011. Yusuf Al-Uqshari, Asy-Syakhshiah al-mubdi’ah : Khaifa Tushbilhu Mubdi’ah fi Tafkirika, Semarang : Pustaka Nuun, 2007.
Creativity of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in the Development of Learning Media
at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan Donggala Regency
Creativity of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in the Development of Learning Media
at SMA Negeri 1 Banawa Selatan Donggala Regency
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