Teacher’s Strategy in Fostering a Law Awareness Refinement in School Adawiyah
Nurmala3 1,3Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Datokarama Palu, Indonesia 2Universitas Al-Khairaat (UNISA) Palu, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Article Info Article History Received: 2022-08-11 Revised: 2022-09-22 Published: 2022-12-01 Keywords: Teacher Strategy; Law Awareness; Refinement in Schools. Abstract
Teachers have an essential role after side of parents in fostering students' legal awareness of school rules. The role of teachers in this case has been carried out by means of socialization, with
the aim of providing knowledge to students of the existence of school rules, considering that as the indicators of legal awareness and it refinement, students need the knowledge conceptually where there are several actions in the school environment that are regulating by law in the form of school rules. Teachers must also foster students' understanding of school rules. The teacher's action in this study is to explain the substance of the rules regulation in the school rules. Furthermore, the teacher fosters students' attitudes towards school discipline, the role of teachers in fostering students' attitudes towards school discipline begins with the implementation of school discipline where in the implementation and enforcement of school discipline the teacher has been carried out if there is a violation of school discipline committed by students.
Artikel Info
Sejarah Artikel Diterima: 2022-08-11 Direvisi: 2022-09-22 Dipublikasi: 2022-12-01
Guru memiliki peran penting di samping orang tua dalam membina kesadaran hukum siswa terhadap tata tertib sekolah. Peran guru dalam hal ini dilakukan dengan cara sosialisasi, dengan tujuan memberikan pengetahuan kepada siswa tentang keberadaan tata tertib sekolah, mengingat sebagai indikator kesadaran hukum dan penyempurnaannya, siswa membutuhkan pengetahuan secara konseptual dimana Kata kunci: terdapat adalah beberapa tindakan di lingkungan sekolah yang diatur dengan undang- Strategi Guru; Kesadaran Hukum; undang berupa tata tertib sekolah. Guru juga harus menumbuhkan pemahaman siswa Penyempurnaan di tentang tata tertib sekolah. Tindakan guru dalam penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan Sekolah. substansi aturan tata tertib dalam tata tertib sekolah. Selanjutnya guru membina sikap siswa terhadap disiplin sekolah, peran guru dalam membina sikap siswa terhadap disiplin sekolah diawali dengan pelaksanaan disiplin sekolah dimana dalam pelaksanaan dan penegakan disiplin sekolah guru telah dilaksanakan jika ada pelanggaran tata tertib sekolah yang dilakukan oleh siswa. I. INTRODUCTION entrepreneurs. This condition shows that legal Public legal awareness is not only determined awareness is not only deter-mined by education by a person's level of education and economic and economic levels, because in reality showed existence. Experience shows that those who that a person's compliance with the rule of law, violate the law today are mostly committed by both written and unwritten, will be greatly people whom belong to the category of those influenced by the example of leaders and the who are educationally at an enlightened level and surrounding environment. has a bachelor's degree. In addition, those who Reported from Kompas.com, Polda Metro Jaya are violating the law also those who are released a crime index or crime index in economically classified as having economically Indonesia throughout 2016, there were 11 types mature abilities, because in terms even came of legal cases that stood out, one of which was the from somebody that has an amount of income on case of juvenile delinquency which had an average. The number of people that been in increase of 400%. (Kompas.com, 2016). Furth- prison today, ranging from structural officials in ermore, as reported by Sindo.news, children the government such as the lowest echelon involved in criminal act have increased almost officials to the highest level officials, members of every year. Data from the Indonesian Child the Regency/City DPRD, Provincial DPRD and Protection Commission (KPAI) from 2011 to DPR, Regents, District leader, Governors, to the 2018, recorded 11,116 children in Indonesia level of Ministers and various levels of related to criminal acts. It was said by Putu Elvina as KPAI Commi-ssioner that the perpetrators of crimes by children in 2011 amounted to 695 people. Meanwhile, in 2018, crimes by children increased drastically, reaching up to 1,434 people (Sindonew, 2019). Thus, someone may obey the law because they do not want to get into trouble with others or maintain good relations with them. Legal awareness of a community scope which is caused by the law itself in accordance with the values it adheres to, therefore it can be said that the legal awareness of a community is relatively high. Proof of some of these factors has been very influential in society, so in this case it is more linking between each indicator in legal awareness which in this case can be as a whole or even separately. School education is one of the most important channels in order to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources. Education in schools is expected to create quality Indonesian humans, humans who are intelligent, noble, and responsible.
This is in accordance with the
functions and
objectives of National Education
as stated
in Article 3 of Law
20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System
which states that: "National education functions to develop abilities and shape the character and civilization of a dignified nation in order to educate the nation's life, aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowled- geable, capable, creative, independent and become democratic and responsible citizens (National Education System Law, 2003)". Schools are one of the educational institutions tasked with shaping students' character and personality. Schools are the place where the educational process takes place to create the expected human resources. Schools are formal educational institutions tasked with achieving the goals of national education as stated in Article 3 of the National Education System Law above. In addition, schools also function to educate and train and foster the nation's young generation, so as to create a safe, orderly, organized, disciplined and responsible condition. Legal awareness to obey the School Rules and Regulations is an important element for every student in forming a pattern of behavior that is appropriate, harmo-nious and in harmony with the prevailing values or norms. Students who have legal awareness are expected to be able to carry out their duties with discipline and responsibility in accordance with the rules or regulations that apply in their environment, especially in the school environ-ment. In order to enforce the School Code of Conduct, the important thing that is needed is to foster legal awareness for students
to always be disciplined in obeying
all the
and Regulations
in the school
where they study. Legal awareness among students is very necessary, legal awareness can provide comfort and discipline, especially in schools and in general in society and the state. Sudikno in Syuhada (2019) states that legal awareness is related to humans, not the law. It is not the law that must be reformed. Therefore, what must be repaired or improved is the people or human resources. Their morals, mentality and intellect must be improved. Our education system seems to pay less attention to instilling legal awareness. Efforts to foster legal awareness must start from education, both formal and informal edu- cation. In informal education, for example, efforts to foster legal awareness start from the family environment, where students will get the provision of exemplary and socialization of the importance of legal awareness in obeying applicable regulations from parents. While in formal education, efforts to foster legal awareness begin in the school environment where the teacher has an important role in efforts to foster legal awareness of his students. Teachers as one of the components of education have a strategic position in the educational process. This is
in accordance with
Law No.14 of 2005
Teachers and Lecturers
the consideration that a teacher and lecturer have a strategic function, role and position in national development in the field of education. The role of the teacher according to Djamarah, includes; corrector, inspirator, informator, organizer, moti-vator, initiator, facilitator, guide, demonstrator, class manager, mediator, supervisor, and evaluator. In addition, teachers also have
a unity of roles and functions that cannot be separated, namely educating, teaching, and training. Educating
related to
and personality, guiding
related to norms and rules, teaching
related to teaching materials in the form of science and technology, and training
related to skills or life skills
(Nasution, 2016). Schools as educational institutions play a very important role in fostering legal awareness in children. School is a place to gain knowledge and personality development (Rahmat and Tanshzil, 2020). At school, the main task and responsibility of the teacher is to convey knowledge to students (transfer of knowledges). However, this does not mean that the teacher is completely separated from the activity of conveying values to students (transfer of values). And at the same time as a mentor who provides direction and guides students to become capable, mature and responsible individuals (Arianti, 2018). II. METHOD The method that will be used in this research is qualitative research. A
qualitative research is descriptive and tends to use analysis. The
theo- retical foundation
used as a
guidance further- more
the focus of the research is
accordance with
the facts in the field
. In addition,
this theoretical basis
useful for providing
an overview of the research
and as
discussion of
research results. The type of research approach used is
descriptive method, which
is a method
examining the status
a group of
people, an object, a set of conditions, a system of thought or a class of events in the present. The purpose of this descriptive research is to make
a description, description,
systematically, factually and accurately
the facts
, properties
and relationships between the phenomena
inves- tigated.
The type of descriptive method used is library research. Library research is an activity of observing various literature related to the subject matter raised in the form of books, papers or
that are helpful
so that they can be used as
guidelines in the research process. According to Kartini Kartono in Sari et. al
, (2020)
in the book Introduction to Social Research Methodology, the purpose of library research is to collect data and information with the help of various materials in the library, the results are used as
basic function and
main tool for research practice in the field. Because using library research means that data sources are taken from various data sources that are relevant to the topic raised
DISCUSSION Efforts to foster legal awareness
for students begin when
are in the family
environ- ment,
especially parents, namely through the process of socializing
norms and rules in the student's own family. Furthermore, when
into a
formal educational
institu- tion,
school, then
begin to be
introduced and taught something new that
not taught in the family
. The
, as
the second place of socialization after
where children are exposed to habits and ways of living together that are broader in scope and
possibly different
habits and ways of life in their families
, thus plays a major role in fostering legal awareness in students to comply with all forms of rules that apply in their environment, including the rules that apply at the school where students study, called the School Code of Conduct. Although the main task and responsibility for fostering students' legal awareness in complying with the rules that apply both
in the family environment
the school environment
lies on
shoulders of parents at home where the student was born and raised, it does not mean that schools do not have the responsibility to carry out education, teaching, guidance, and training to foster students' legal awareness in complying with the rules that apply at school, namely the School Code.
In this case
, it is
the teacher
has an important role in
fostering students' legal awareness of the school Code of Conduct. 1. Fostering Students' Knowledge of the Code of Conduct The teacher's role in fostering students' legal awareness of the School Code is to foster students' knowledge of the School Code. The teacher's action
in this case
carried out by means of socialization
, by introducing the School Code of Conduct and then dissemin- ating it to students by distributing the Code of Conduct to students to take home in the hope that students' parents also know it (Niken, Yohanes Bahari, and Budjang A, 2016). The forms of socialization that can be done include: a) Introduction to the School Code of Conduct The first time socialization is carried out is by introducing the School Code of Conduct that applies during the Student Orientation Period (MOS), where new students are introduced and informed of what rules bind students while being students at school. b) Distribution of the Code of Conduct and Student Code of Conduct Violation Scoring Book The next socialization is by distributing the Code of Conduct and the Student Code of Conduct Violation Scoring Book, where the Code of Conduct and scoring book are distributed to all students when the student officially becomes a school citizen. Thus students can have knowledge of the School Code of Conduct. c) Installation of the School Code of Conduct in Strategic Places The next socialization is by installing the School Code in strategic places, namely by attaching it to information boards, class-rooms, laboratories, and libraries, so that students can see and read so that after students get to know, they also memorize and remember what things are regulated in the School Code. These socializations aim to provide knowledge to students of the existence of the School Code, considering that as stated in the legal awareness indi-cator that to have legal awareness, students need to have conceptual knowledge that there are several actions in the school environment that are regulated by law in the form of the School Code. 2. Fostering students' understanding of the School Code Students' understanding of the School Code here means that students not only know what things are regulated in the School Code, but students also understand, understand, pursue, are able to analyze, and explain laws or regu- lations that students' understanding of the School Code means that students understand the substance of what is regulated in the School Code. Students understand what their obliga-tions are as students, what things are prohibited by the Code of Conduct and also understand the sanctions that will be given if the student violates the Code of Conduct (Subianto, 2013). Regarding the role of teachers in fostering
students' understanding of the
School Code
action taken
by the teacher is
to explain the substance of the rules stipulated in the Code of Conduct, by explaining in detail to students the contents of the rules stipulated in the Code of Conduct. In addition, so that students understand the substance of what is regulated in the Code of Conduct, what the teacher must do is explain by explaining each article along with the points regulated in the Code of Conduct, for example what is allowed and what is prohibited, besides that students also need to know why it is allowed and also prohibited. For example, for things that are allowed or required are students dressing in neat and polite uniforms, coming to school on time, maintaining cleanliness and others, while for things that are prohibited, for example, students are prohibited from bringing motorized vehicles, prohibited from carrying cellphones, prohibited from smoking and others. Of course also by giving an explanation to students why these things are required or prohibited, namely to maintain order and security in the school environment. Understanding the legal norms in the School Code is an indication of a higher legal aware-ness than just legal knowledge. Providing an explanation of the substance of the School Code is carried out with the aim that students can appreciate the contents of the rules that apply at school, thus it is hoped that students will begin to analyze the purpose and task of the law, namely the School Code. The purpose of the School Code is to realize the peace of life together concerning order and tranquility in the school environment. Meanwhile, the task of the School Code is to ensure legal certainty. With this understanding, students will truly realize that life together in the school environ-ment will be orderly if there is certainty in the relationship between fellow students and school residents. 3. Cultivating Students' Attitudes Toward the School Code Students' attitudes towards the School Code arise from an appreciation of the Code. Students who already know and understand the School Code of Conduct will then grow an acknowledgment and appreciation of the rules of the School Code of Conduct, where this appreciation is manifested in the form of an attitude of complying with the Code of Conduct. For students to have an obedient attitude towards the Code of Conduct is not an easy matter. Therefore,
the role of the teacher is
' obedient attitude towards the School Code (Sulaiman and Aripin, 2022).
The role of the teacher in
' attitudes towards the
Code begins with the role of the teacher in the implementation and enforcement of the School Code, namely the actions taken by the teacher if there is a violation of the School Code committed by students (Syaparuddin and Elihami, tt). The full explanation is as follows. Regarding the violation of students who do not do their homework, the action taken by the teacher is to give a verbal warning directly to students not to repeat the offense. In addition, the teacher usually sanctions these students by doubling the homework or by giving other assignments. For example, students who do not do their homework will be sanctioned by doing the homework two to three times or given other tasks that are educational in nature. After being given a verbal warning, the next teacher who finds students who violate the School Code of Conduct then records in the student's scoring pocket book according to the existing format and gives a signature. If the student does not bring a scoring pocket book, then the teacher records it in a special format that has been provided. In addition, the teacher can also report cases of violations committed by these students to the homeroom teacher of
the student concerned, then the homeroom teacher
will call
student to be submitted to BK and then the student is given a score according to the type of offense. The score weight for a student's offense for not doing homework is 20. Regarding the violation of students who do not attend lessons without reason, the actions taken by the teacher if he finds out are first by giving a verbal warning, then the teacher records in the student's scoring pocket book according to the existing format and gives a signature or signature. If the student does not bring the Scoring pocket book, then the teacher records it in a special format that has been provided. In addition, teachers can also report cases of violations committed by these students to the homeroom teacher of
the student concerned, then the homeroom teacher
will call
student to be submitted to BK and then the student is given a score according to the type of offense. The weight of the score for the offense of students who do not attend lessons without reason is 10. Further-more, students are warned not to repeat their actions. Regarding the violation of students who carry or operate cellphones (HP) at school, the first action taken by the teacher is to give a verbal warning to students not to bring or operate cellphones at school again. After being given a verbal warning, the next teacher who finds students who violate the School Code of Conduct then records in the student's scoring pocket book according to the existing format and gives a signature. If the student does not bring a scoring pocket book, then the teacher records it in a special format that has been provided. This type of violation is classified as a fairly serious offense, so that in addition to being given a verbal warning, the teacher who knows will immediately report it to the homeroom teacher of
the student concerned, then the homeroom teacher
will call
student to be handed over to BK and then given a score according to the type of offense. The score weight for violations of students carrying or operating cellphones at school is 50. In addition to giving scores, the teacher also confiscates the student's cellphone and the parents are allowed to take it back. Furthermore, with regard to violations of students who are late for class every change of lesson time, the action taken by the teacher if he finds out is to give a verbal warning, then the teacher who is at the lesson time will impose sanctions and of course the sanctions given are educational in nature, for example if the student is late for class, the action taken is to impose sanctions on the student where the sanction given is in the form of giving assign- ments to the student concerned. Furthermore, the teacher gives a warning to students not to repeat their actions again. If after being given a warning students are still late for class every lesson change, the teacher who finds students who violate the Code of Conduct then records in the student's scoring pocket book according to the existing format and gives a paraf or signature. If the student does not bring the scoring pocket book, the teacher records it in a special format that has been provided. In addition, the teacher can also report it to the homeroom teacher of the student concerned and then the homeroom teacher will call the student to be handed over. IV. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion
Teachers have an
role after parents in fostering students' legal awareness of school rules. The role of
the teacher includes the following. 1. The teacher's action
in this case
carried out by means of socialization, with
the aim of providing knowledge to students of the existence of school rules, considering that as contained in the indicators of legal aware-ness that to have legal awareness, students need to have knowledge conceptually that there are several actions in the school environment that are regulated by law in the form of School Khosmas, Heryanto dan Thomy Sastra Atmaja. Rules. Pengaruh Kewibawaan Guru Terhadap 2. Fostering students' understanding of the Sikap Disiplin Siswa Dikelas Xi Smkn 1 school rules, the teacher's action in this Pontianak, https://jurnal.untan.ac.id,2018. case is to explain the substance of the rules regulated in the school rules. The expla- Marjuni. Peran Guru Dalam Persfektif nation is carried out by explaining each Kepemimpinan Pendidikan, Jurnal FTIK UIN article regulated in the Code of Conduct, for Alauddin Makassar, Volume VIII, Nomor 1, example, what is allowed and what is Januari - Juni 2019 prohibited. 3. Fostering students' attitudes towards Nasution, Khalilah. Kepemimpinan Guru Dalam school discipline The role of teachers in Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pembelajaran fostering students' attitudes towards PAI, Jurnal Darul Ilmi Vol. 04, No. 01 school discipline begins with the Januari 2016. implementation of school discipline, which begins with the role of teachers in the Niken, Yohanes Bahari, Gusti Budjang A. Peran implementation and enforcement of school Sekolah Dalam Sosialisasi Tata Tertib Pada discipline, namely the actions taken by Siswa Sekolah Menengah ATAS, Jurnal teachers in the event of violations of school Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran discipline by students. In this case, the Khatulistiwa, Vol 5, No 12 (2016) action taken by the teacher in accordance Pairin, Struktur Sosial di sekolah, E- Journal IAIN with his position is to impose sanctions for Kendari, 2010 students who violate school rules. This sanction is carried out using a scoring Prastyawan. Menjadi Pendidik Ideal Di system, namely giving sanctions based on Lingkungan Sekolah Dan Di Kalangan scores. Masyarakat. AL HIKMAH Jurnal Studi Keislaman, Volume 6, Nomor 2, September B. Suggestion 2016 Discussion related to this research is still very limited and requires a lot of input, a Rahmat dan Sri Wahyuni Tanshzil. Revitalisasi suggestion for the next author is to examine Pancasila Melalui Pendidikan Multikultural: more deeply and comprehensively the Sebuah Strategi Deradikalisasi Bagi Kaum Teacher’s Strategy in Fostering a Law Muda Di Sekolah, Jurnal Majelis, Edisi 05, Awareness Refinement in School. Agustus 2020 REFERENCES Sari, Widya Andi Muhammad Rifki, dan Karmila, Arianti. Peranan Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Mila. Analisis Kebijakan Pendidikan Motivasi Belajar Siswa, Didaktika Jurnal Terkait Implementasi Pembelajaran Jarak Kependidikan, Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Jauh Pada Masadaruratm Covid19, Bone, Vol. 12, No. 2, Desember 2018 https://jurnal.iain-bone. Ac id/in dex.p hp/mappe sona/article/download Husnan Sulaiman dan Ipin Aripin. Implementasi /830/562. Tata Tertib Sekolah Dengan Pemberian Hadiah Dan Hukuman Dalam Pembentukan Siregar, Umar Mukhtar Dan Usup Munthe. Peran Kedisiplinan Siswa (Studi Di SDN 2 Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Rancabango Kecamatan Tarogong Kaler- Meningkatkan Mutu Sumberdaya Guru Di Sd Kabupaten Garut), Jurnal Masagi Vol. 01; Islam Al-Habibah Desa Telaga Sari No. 01; 2022. Kecamatan Sunggal, Jurnal Makrifat, Vol 5 Nomor 1, Januari 2021 ISSN: 2548-9240. Kompas.com. Ini 11 Jenis Kejahatan yang Menonjol Selama 2016. Diakses pada 4 Subianto, Jito. Peran Keluarga, Sekolah, Dan Oktober 2022, from Masyarakat Dalam Pembentukan Karakter megapolitan.kompas.com: Berkualitas, Edukasia: Jurnal Penelitian http://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/201 Pendidikan Islam Vol. 8, No. 2, Agustus 6/12/29/17470511/ini.11.jenis.kejahatan. 2013. yang.menonjol.selama.2016 Syaparuddin dan Elihami. Peranan Pendidikan Nonformal Dan Sarana Pendidikan Moral, https://ummaspul.e-journal.id. Syuhada. Titik Temu Aspek Nafs Dengan Kesadaran Hukum (Sebuah Pengantar Dan Upaya Menggagas Fikih Kesadaran Hukum), LEGITIMASI, Vol. 8 No.2, Juli-Desember 2019.
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) (eISSN: 2614-8854) Volume 5, Nomor 12, Desember 2022
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) (eISSN: 2614-8854) Volume 5, Nomor 12, Desember 2022
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) (eISSN: 2614-8854) Volume 5, Nomor 12, Desember 2022
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) (eISSN: 2614-8854) Volume 5, Nomor 12, Desember 2022
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) (eISSN: 2614-8854) Volume 5, Nomor 12, Desember 2022
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) (eISSN: 2614-8854) Volume 5, Nomor 12, Desember 2022
JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan) (eISSN: 2614-8854) Volume 5, Nomor 12, Desember 2022