Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIIS), 2022 ISSN: Website: The Impact of Penalty on Improving the Discipline of Class VIII Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) Negeri 3 City Of Palu Moh Ridwan Noer Ponulele1, Askar Askar2 & Adawiyah Pettalongi3 1Faculty of Islamic Religious Education 2Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama 3Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Corresponding Author: Moh Ridwan Noer Ponulele E-mail: [email protected] ARTICLE INFO ABSTRAK Volume: 1 ISSN: This article discusses "The Impact of Sentencing on Increasing Discipline for Class VIII Students at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 3 Palu City". The formulation of the KEYWORDS problem is as follows: What is the form of giving punishment to students?at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) State 3 Palu City, What is the impact of punishment on students at Media development, PAI, Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) State 3 Palu City, What are the forms of student teacher creativity discipline behavior?at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) State 3 Palu CityThis study
uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques
, interviews,
and documentation
, and
data analysis techniques
are data reduction and data verification. The results
study indicate that the impact of punishment on students greatly affects the improvement of discipline, with the provision of appropriate punishments to students, the discipline of the body in the soul of students, giving oral forms of punishment that advice and good suggestions to students, it will be more effective. develop disciplinary behavior. and giving appropriate punishment can also improve student discipline, especially the discipline of obeying the rules of conduct of the madrasa. 1. Introduction Discipline has always been something that many people talk about, be it discipline in the family, community, or school. Especially the discipline that exists in a school, because in schools it is clear that there are rules that are contained to discipline students in that school. This of course cannot be separated from a student and his educator, especially educators, because discipline greatly affects the success of a teacher in educating, educating can make him more responsible for all his deviant actions and can make students appreciate time better. so that the goal of educators in forming a good personality can be achieved. As has been said above, that discipline is not only found in schools or other institutions that impose discipline, but the discipline that we find for the first time is at home, with the main role of parents in educating discipline because discipline will be the responsibility of the parents of students if the presence of students' children at home, and vice versa, discipline will be the responsibility of the school (teacher) if the presence of students in school. (Thomas Gordon 2006) 1 Moh Ridwan Noer Ponulele is a Magister Candidate Of Islamic Religius education Study Program at post graduate school, Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia. This paper was presented at The 1st International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIIS) 2022 as a Presenter held by the Postgraduate School Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu, Indonesia.. Concern to see so many educators who choose to use punishment to discipline students, effective in providing a deterrent effect is one of the few reasons used to apply this method. Punishing seems to be a favorite shortcut to teaching lessons. Hitting, pinching, pinching, saying loudly in a threatening tone, and various other ways are often options for disciplining when you make a mistake. This punishment is often carried out with the assumption and belief that such a method is effective in educating. However, this method also turns out to be quite widely applied by educators in several educational institutions where they work, educators assume that punishment is the most effective way to educate them to become disciplined. Many education experts have stated that punishment is taboo in the world of education. Giving punishment has a high risk of disrupting mental development, it's just that educators are less patient in educating, so they use punishment as a powerful weapon for discipline. Punishments are often received by their students for violating the agreed rules. (Moh Rozali: 2017) Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Palu (MTsN) students are required to be disciplined according to the rules and regulations in Madrasah. Talking about discipline in Madrasas cannot be separated from the problem of students' negative behavior. The negative behavior that has occurred among students lately seems to be very worrying which can not only harm themselves but also harm other students. In the internal environment of Madrasas, violations of various school rules and regulations are still often found which range from minor violations to high-level violations, such as truancy cases, fights, cheating, coming late to school, not wearing uniforms according to the appointed day, smoking, and other forms of deviant behavior. 2. Literature Review The word punishment in terms of Indonesian comes from the basic word of law and gets the suffix "an". In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) it is explained that law
is a system of rules or customs, which
officially considered binding and confirmed by the authorities, government
, or authorities
through legal institutions
or institutions. Laws, regulations, and so on are made to regulate community interactions. Punishment is not necessary. There are people for him, examples and advice are enough, and there is no need for punishment in his life. But humans are not all the same, some of them need to be suppressed from time to time. Punishment is also an action that is first imagined by an educator and is not the way that takes precedence. His advice comes first, The word punishment when viewed in terms of Arabic is a translation of the word doom. Meanwhile, in terms of terms (terminology), there are several definitions put forward by experts regarding the meaning of punishment, including According to Abdurrahman gives the understanding that: punishment is an educational tool that is often used by educators, its function is the same as other educational tools, but its use must be (Abdulrahman: 2008) Meanwhile, according to Purwanto, punishment is a form of loss or pain inflicted by someone who makes a mistake. (Purwanto: 2006) Some of the definitions above show that there is a similarity of views even though the editors are different, but in principle, they agree that punishment is an educational tool. that are educational in the form of praise, encouragement, or appreciation to control and motivate the behavior of students in the teaching and learning process. 2.1. Forms of Punishment in Education According to (Abu Ahmadi and Nur Uhbiyati: 2001) there are 5 types of punishment as follows: a. Punishment for revenge People who feel unhappy because students make mistakes are then punished. Parents feel happy/satisfied because they have succeeded in hurting. This kind of punishment should not be applied, because the impact is not good. 319 The Impact of Penalty on Improving the Discipline of Class VIII Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) Negeri 3 City Of Palu b. Corporal punishment This punishment has a detrimental effect on students because it can cause health problems. For example, if educators catch students smoking continuously during school time, this will result in students getting sick. Sweet orange punishment (signals apple) According to this punishment, naughty students do not need to be punished but are approached and taken to heart. c. Nature's punishment This sentence was put forward by JJ. Rousseau from the flow of naturalism argues, if there are naughty students, don't be punished, let them give up / deter themselves by themselves. By allowing it, the relationship between students and educators does not experience cracks/breaks. However, with natural punishment, sometimes students are not aware of their mistakes/deeds. What is meant here is that the punishment should be a natural consequence of an act, the punishment must be something natural according to natural laws, something unintended logical consequences. For example, for students who like to climb trees, it is natural and logical if one day falls. This fall is punishment according to nature as a result of his actions of liking to climb trees (Ag Soejono: 2001) d. Punishment fix Punish with the aim that students want to correct their mistakes. The error will be corrected. When you already know what mistakes have been made, only allow students to correct them. ShapesThe author understands that the punishment above can be applied in education. Punishing if necessary to avoid punishing should be adjusted to the mistakes that have been made by the students, and the age and condition of the students. The number of methods used does not produce results in education, so decisive action must be taken that can put the problem in the right place, decisive action is punishment. An educator and parent may not punish students by using violence that causes students to be injured. Because cruel punishments will make students timid, have low self-esteem, and have other negative consequences such as being narrow- minded, lazy, liars, and others. Dare to lie, because if not violence will befall him. (Aat syfaat et al: 2001) 2.2 Conditions of Punishment According to M. Ngalim punto, the pedagogical conditions of punishment include: a. Every punishment can be justified. This means that punishment should not be carried out arbitrarily, but must be based on compassion. b. The punishment should improve as much as possible which means it has educational value. c. Punishment should not be a threat or revenge that is individual, because such punishment does not allow for a good relationship between educators and students. d. Punishment should not be given when you are angry, because if so, it is likely to be unfair or too severe. e. Each punishment is given consciously and calculated beforehand. f. For students, the punishment is felt by themselves as grief or suffering, so they regret it and realize they are not to repeat it. g. Punishment should not be applied to the body, because corporal punishment does not guarantee improvement, but on the contrary only creates resentment or a rebellious attitude. (M. Ngalim Purwanto : 1992) From some of the conditions of punishment above, it can be understood that punishment must be accountable so that it can be corrective, must not be threatening or retaliatory, and must not damage good relations between educators and students. M. Attiyyah al-Abrasy put forward 3 conditions if an educator or parent wants to punish their students with corporal punishment, quoted by Nur Uhbiyati. The 3 conditions are as follows: a. Before the age of 10, students should not be beaten. b. Hits cannot be more than 3 times. What is meant by hitting is a stick or a small stick, not a big stick. Given the opportunity for students to repent of what they did and correct their mistakes without the need to use a punch or damage their good name (shame). (Abu Ahmadi and Nur Uhbiyati: 2001) 3. Methodology This research is a field of qualitative research, located in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Palu City, in
data collection techniques
using interview,
, and
data analysis techniques
data reduction, data presentation, and
. 4. Result and Discussion 4.1. Forms of giving punishment to students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 3 Palu City a. Oral form Gestures in spoken form can contain words of
warning, words of reprimand, and finally words
of threats.
If necessary, the form of
the sign
is replaced with
the form of
words in the form of warning words, mentioning the name of the naughty child in a short firm voice
. The author also interviewed one of the educators, Mrs. Sitti Megawana regarding the response to giving in oral form as follows: "With verbal forms of punishment, such as giving warnings, giving reprimands, students will better understand the mistakes made by students but should not be too harsh, let alone hit, enough to advise students to realize their mistakes (Sitti Mega: 2022) " In the interview, the author can understand that by giving a subtle reprimand to students due to their mistakes, it is easier to interact with students because students are not afraid of what the educator says, this punishment is also fairly educational because it does not use physical violence. b. Action Form Efforts to correct
in the form of actions are heavier than previous
apply this to
students who
make mistakes,
an act that is
unpleasant for them or prevents them from doing something that becomes their pleasure. For example, educators threaten students as they have been threatened, or do not allow them to come late to the madrasa if it is still being done in the future. Punishment in the form of actions, the author interviewed educators about the form of punishment. Mr. Nasirexplain about punishment forms of actions that exist in the madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 3 Palu CityThe following is the result of the interview. "The punishment given to students in the form of acts or physical punishment is only limited to providing a deterrent effect to students so that students no longer repeat their mistakes, but giving punishment to students must be following the students' mistakes" (Nasiir: 2022). From the results of the interview, it can be understood that in giving the law the teacher's actions must adjust between mistakes and punishments so that students do not feel persecuted as a result of the punishment, physical punishment is carried out so that students are deterred by their mistakes and will not do it again. 321 The Impact of Penalty on Improving the Discipline of Class VIII Students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) Negeri 3 City Of Palu 4.2. The impact of punishment on students in madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 3 Palu City a. Feeling inferior The author interviewed Mrs. Parawita Abd. Makki followed the results of the interview regarding the impact of punishment on feeling inferior. “Excessive criticism when a student is constantly reminded that it is not good, makes the student feel inadequate and lose his confidence. Such events create feelings of worthlessness, making them pessimistic and hesitant to do anything positive. Being compared to other people (especially classmates) and being constantly told that they are not as good as their classmates, or being asked to be like their classmates can lead to a loss of confidence in their abilities and low self-esteem. Some problems with low self-esteem are caused by excessive punishment. Students tend to feel afraid when they get excessive punishment and this affects them (Paramita: 2022) ". From the results of the interview above, it can be understood that people who feel inferior are always afraid to do something, prefer to sit idly by, and do not want to try to solve problems for fear of failure. Feelings of inferiority This can be overcome, as long as you want to try. For that, the most efficacious recipe is to eliminate it and with full confidence build self- confidence. Without a strong will to try it, low self-esteem will always haunt me. b. Feel embarrassed Shame can be described as a kind of uncomfortable feeling. It usually has to do with opening up to others, so shyness arises as if you are being highlighted and you are undervalued by others. To a certain extent, shame is needed, but even if it is too much, it will be torturous. The following is the result of the author's interview with Mrs. Satya Pratiwi regarding the impact of punishment on shame. "Students who receive corporal punishment in public will usually be quiet while crying and promise to obey the existing regulations and educators will usually feel happy because (he thinks) students are successfully educated in this way. But in most cases that success must be paid for by bitter failure. It is very rare for corporal punishment in public to instill awareness in students. Even though physical punishment is applied gradually, negative attitudes will emerge in the atmosphere and environment, and will show an attitude of dislike and no longer have an appetite to learn what is in their environment. And for the most part, negative traits will develop such as being cowardly, gloomy and having a sense of shame (Satya Pratiwi: 2022) ". From the explanation above, it can be seen that in terms of shame, people do not dare to meet other people, tend to withdraw, and do not feel comfortable when they are together with other people, the consequences will be felt in the association. The environment is often the one that creates excessive shame, the environment also causes a person to be unable to respect himself or feel inferior and the environment plays a big role in starting to reduce his shame. 5. Conclusion Based on the results of the research that has been described previously, the authors can draw the following conclusions: 1. Forms of giving punishment to studentsinMadrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 3 Palu City, giving punishment in the form of words and deeds is a type of punishment applied in madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 3 Palu City, this punishment is a way for educators to overcome
violations committed by students
of madrasah. 2.
impact of punishment on students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 3 Palu City,
the punishment given by
to students has an impact on student
behavior, namely low self-esteem, and shame. References (Thomas Gordon 2006).(moh Rozali:2017)salman harun : 2003 Purwanto : 2006 adulrahman :2008 François Déroche (2014), Qurʾans of the Umayyads, Leiden : Brill Fadhli Lukman (2022), The Official Indonesian Qur’ān Translation: The History and Politics of Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers. Zamakhsyari Dhofier (2011), Tradisi Pesantren, Jakarta : LP3ES. Azyumardi Azra (2008), Jaringan Ulama Timur Tengah dan Kepulauan Nusantara Abad XVII & XVIII, Jakarta : Prenada Media. Azyumardi Azra (2014), Pendidikan Islam Tradisi dan Modernisasi di Tengah Tantangan Milenium III, akarta : Prenada Media. al-Hafizh Ibnu Hajar al-'Asqalani (2011), Al-Ishabah fi Tamyiz ash-Shahabah, Juz 1, Kairo : Maktabah al-Ilmiyyah. Harold Dwight Lasswell (1971), A Pre-view of Policy Sciences, merican Elsevier Publishing Company. Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia, Pangkalan Data Pondok Pesantren Tahun 2022, Aliasyadi, wawancara, 7 Oktober 2022 di Pondok Pesantren Anwarul Quran. Basuki (2007) Pesantren dan Pendidikan Kecakapan Hidup (life skil). Cendekia, Vol. 5 No. 2. Idi, Abdullah (2011) Sosiologi Pendidikan : Individu, Masyarakat, dan Pendidikan, Jakarta : PT. Rajagrafindo Persada. Nata, Abudin (2001), Paradigma Pendidikan Islam, Jakarta : PT. Gramedia. Ngalim, Purwanto (2009), Ilmu Pendidikan Teoretis Dan Praktis, Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Mastuhu (1994), Dinamika Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren, Jakarta : INIS. MD, Dahlan (1997), Keluar dari Kemelut Pendidikan Nasional, Jakarta : PT. Intermasa. Moleong (2000), Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya Mulyasa (2003), Perkembangan Pesantren, Kurikulum dan Sistem Manajemen Kelembagaan, Jakarta : P3. Rahardjo, D (1985), Pesantren Pembaharuan, Jakarta : LP3ES. Rasyid, Abdu (2003), Kapita Selekta Pendidikan Islam. Bandung : Angkasa. Siradj, Aqil Said (2014), Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Tradisi Pesantren. Jakarta : Rumah Kitab. 323 ICIIIS Volume 1 Tahun 2022 ICIIIS Volume 1 Tahun 2022 ICIIIS Volume 1 Tahun 2022 318 320 322