Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Prima Indonesia on 2022-12-02Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling Volume 4 Nomor 6 Tahun 2022 E-ISSN: 2685-936X dan P-ISSN: 2685-9351 Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku TambusaiEnd Match Principal’s Leadership Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Prima Indonesia on 2022-12-02InEnd Match Increasing The Performance Of Pai Teachers At Smk Negeri 1 Biromaru Adawiyah Pettalongi1, Ma'rifah Nurmala2, M. Iksan Kahar3, Hairuddin Cikka4 1,2,3,4 Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Datokarama Palu Email:, malarifagie54@gmail.com2,, Abstrak Guru PAI merupakan salah satu komponen dalam pendidikan yang dianggap penting. Guru PAI merupakan promotor siswa selama berada di lingkungan sekolah. Dalam mendidik peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang sebenar-benarnya, sangat diutamakan guru PAI yang professional yang mampu menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang kondusif untuk mendorong peningkatan kinerja Guru PAI yang maksimal, diperlukan bimbingan dan arahan dari Kepala Sekolah sebagai pimpinan di lingkungan pendidikan tersebut. Kata Kunci: Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dan Kinerja Guru PAI Abstract PAI teacher is one of the components in education has been considered significance. PAI teachers are students’ promotor while in the school environment. In educating students to become real human beings, it is prominent to have a professional PAI teacher that able to create a conducive educational environment to foster maximum performance improvement of PAI Teachers, it takes guidance and direction from Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Principal as a leader in the educationalEnd Match environment. Keywords: Principal Leadership and PAI Teacher Performance INTRODUCTION Quality improvement means developing school networking. Networking is a significance requirement in today's world globalization. The shift that occurs places the network as an important capital in competition, in addition to capital capital as well as resources (natural and human) owned, both individuals, institutions, the business world and also business empires that move across countries (Depag RI, 2009). Teacher performance could be seen from the work process or work results. A duty constantly has procedures, the procedures lead to improved work results in accordance with work demands. If a job is done in accordance with the procedure, it will arrive at the desired work results. The benchmark of performance is job demands that describe the work results to be achieved. How far a person is able to do the job then compared to the results achieved is called a person's performance on the job (Atmodiwiro, 1991). According on Burhanudin (2000), a teacher, spesifically a PAI teacher held high performance, should have a positive attitude towards the duties, such as discipline, maintain the quality of his work, be responsible, highly dedicated and so on. Because of the importance of PAI teachers' performance factor in its role to improve the success of education, maintaining and striving for PAI teachers to gain performance is absolutely necessary. One important indicator of the current state of our education Begin Match to source 6 in source list: the low quality ofEnd Match teachers Begin Match to source 6 in source list: all levels of educationEnd Match. Meanwhile Sallis, (2006) said that the low Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Imam Shofwan, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Joko Sutarto. quality of educationEnd Match will be Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Imam Shofwan, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Joko Sutarto. related to theEnd Match low Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Imam Shofwan, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Joko Sutarto. quality of teachersEnd Match. Sudiyono, (2004) also said that in general, the condition of our education is at a mediocratic and conservative level towards change. This can be seen from several aspects, especially the quality of management and leadership of school principals who are less transformative. Whereas in relation to efforts to improve the quality of human resources it must be addressed immediately. For this reason, with regard to this matter, this study will relate how much the management and Begin Match to source 2 in source list: of school principalsEnd Match to Begin Match to source 2 in source list: performance of teachersEnd Match, especially PAI teachers. Begin Match to source 2 in source list: Match its implementation, it requires changes in attitudes and behaviors of all school components, including Begin Match to source 10 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Negeri Jakarta on 2016-11-24principals, teachers and administrative staff, parents and the community inEnd Match viewing, Begin Match to source 10 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Negeri Jakarta on 2016-11-24understandingEnd Match and assisting Begin Match to source 10 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Negeri Jakarta on 2016-11-24as well asEnd Match monitors Begin Match to source 10 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Negeri Jakarta on 2016-11-24who carry out monitoring and evaluation in theEnd Match implementation Begin Match to source 10 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Negeri Jakarta on 2016-11-24of the schoolEnd Match. Changes in attitudes and behavior will occur if existing school resources are utilized and managed optimally and effectively by the principal as the person responsible for implementing school education. The demand for school principals who have strong management and leadership skills is in fact inseparable from practical issues of education and issues related to the decentralization of education, specificaly: The issues that often appeared, include; the limited authority of school principals which has implications for the low effectiveness of achieving educational targets in schools. This issue also concerns to the lack of authority given to school principals in developing education management in schools, including limited space for movement in utilizing educational resources allocated to schools (Brotosejati, 2002). For this reason, in its implementation, school principals are expected to apply the principles of efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and innovation in education management. Realizing how important it is to improve the quality of schools that can be seen from the indicators; quality of input, quality of process, quality of human resources, quality of facilities, quality of management, and costs, Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. it is necessary toEnd Match support "the Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. managerialEnd Match ability Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. ofEnd Match school Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. principalsEnd MatchBegin Match to source 1 in source list: improve the quality of education in the schoolEnd Match (Mulyasa, 2002). Thus, school principals should Begin Match to source 6 in source list: able to carry outEnd Match their functions and Begin Match to source 6 in source list: asEnd Match well as possible Begin Match to source 6 in source list: Match play an appropriate role, namely as a leader as well as a manager. In addition, the school as an agent of change, the principal Begin Match to source 13 in source list: understand and developEnd Match his Begin Match to source 13 in source list: in implementingEnd Match the Begin Match to source 13 in source list:, if theEnd Match principal wants the school he leads to be more effective (Wahjosumidjo, 2001). Thus, the relationship between the quality of the principal's leadership is closely related to the improvement of various aspects of school life, such as the predicate of a school with good quality and poor quality Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Imam Shofwan, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Joko Sutarto. is closely related to the quality ofEnd Match leadership Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Imam Shofwan, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Joko Sutarto. andEnd Match management of Begin Match to source 12 in source list: Imam Shofwan, Sungkowo Edy Mulyono, Joko Sutarto. theEnd Match principal, as the person responsible for managing education in schools. One of the main aspects closely Begin Match to source 13 in source list: to the principal'sEnd Match performance Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Match seen from Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Match level Begin Match to source 13 in source list: Match success of the principal's leadership and management towards improving the performance of teachers and employees who participate in improving student achievement towards quality improvement Begin Match to source 6 in source list: on the vision and mission of the schoolEnd Match that has been agreed together (Fatah, 1996). The principal is the center Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. of education. The principal as a facilitator for the development of educationEnd Match and Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. alsoEnd Match as an Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. executor of a task that isEnd Match loaded with Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. hope and renewalEnd Match. The Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. packagingEnd Match of Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. the noble ideals of our educationEnd Match is Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. alsoEnd Match indirectly handed over Begin Match to source 7 in source list: Hisyam, Mohamad, Sridana, Nyoman, Waluyo, Untung. to the principalEnd Match SMK Negeri 1 Biromaru, is one of the schools that has been trying Begin Match to source 15 in source list: Naufalia Nuraya, Adiman Adiman, Endang Sri Budi Herawati, Jumira Warlizasusi, Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah. to improving the quality ofEnd Match educational Begin Match to source 15 in source list: Naufalia Nuraya, Adiman Adiman, Endang Sri Budi Herawati, Jumira Warlizasusi, Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah. services inEnd Match formal environment on achieving educational goals. Various efforts are being made. This is realized because considering the importance of the role of the principal in improving the quality of education services in the school. Begin Match to source 15 in source list: Naufalia Nuraya, Adiman Adiman, Endang Sri Budi Herawati, Jumira Warlizasusi, Rusi Rusmiati Aliyyah. The improvement of the quality of education services atEnd Match SMK Negeri 1 Biromaru has so far shown satisfactory results. The improved quality of education services at the School is caused by many things, including the quality and distribution of teachers, especially PAI teachers who are adequate, sufficient educational facilities and infrastructure, a supportive learning environment at school and in the family and community, so students were diligent in learning. Leadership (Leadership theory). The concept of leadership in Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. education cannot be separated from theEnd Match concept Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. of leadershipEnd Match in general. Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. TheEnd Match concept Begin Match to source 14 in source list: Silmi Amrullah, M. Luthfi Ardiansyah,  Sumarto. ofEnd Match leadership in general is often equated with management, even though the two things have significant differences. According to Robbins, leadership is the ability to influence groups towards achieving goals, while Kouzes and Posner state that leadership is the creation of ways for people to contribute in realizing something extraordinary (Karwati and Priansa, 2013). Toha, (2006) defines that: "Leadership is an activity to influence people to be directed to achieve organizational goals." The above definition is supported by Alan Tucker arguing that: "leadership as the ability to influence or encourage a person or group of people to work voluntarily to achieve certain goals or objectives in certain situations". This provides a perspective that a manager can behave as a leader, as long as he is able to influence the behavior of others to achieve certain goals. But a leader does not necessarily have to hold the position of manager (Safaria, 2004). According to Andrew J. Dubrin, the true Begin Match to source 1 in source list: of leadershipEnd Match could Begin Match to source 1 in source list: explained in many ways. The following are someEnd Match of his Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Match (Sihombing, 2004): Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Leadership is an effort to influence many people through communication to achieve goals. 2. Leadership is a way of influencing people with instructions orEnd Match orders Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Leadership is an action that causes others to act or respond andEnd Match causes Begin Match to source 1 in source list: change. 4. Leadership is an important dynamic force that motivates and coordinatesEnd Match organizations Begin Match to source 1 in source list: order to achieve goals. 5. Leadership is the ability to create confidence and support among subordinates so that organizational goals are achievedEnd Match. Leadership actually takes place anywhere, because leadership is the process of influencing others to do something in order to achieve certain goals. Based on different definitions of leadership, there is a common meaning that is general in nature. A leader is a person who inspires, persuades, influences and motivates others. To distinguish leaders from non-leaders can be done using a behavioral theory approach. Robbins states that: "Behavioral theories are leadership theories that recognize behaviors that distinguish effective leaders from ineffective ones". This behavioral theory not only provides more definitive answers about the nature of leadership, but also has real implications that are quite different from the characteristics approach (Robbins, 2010). PAI Teacher Performance The definition of performance or employee performance according to some experts has the same meaning but other experts say differently. Wiro, Soebagyo and siswanto said that: "Performance is about doing work and the results achieved from that work. Performance is the result of work that has a strong relationship with the organization's strategic goals, customer satisfaction and contributes (Wiro, Soebagyo and Siswanto 1991)". According to Tu'u, work performance is: "The results of work achieved by a workforce in carrying out the tasks and work assigned to him. In general, the work performance of a workforce is influenced, among others, by the skills, skills, experience, ability of the workforce concerned (Tu'u, 2004). Meanwhile, according to Mangkunegara, performance (work performance) (2009) is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him ". One of the elements that make up employee performance includes: Begin Match to source 16 in source list: Yusuf Abdullah, Salamah Wahyuni. quantity of output, quality of output, outputEnd Match period, Begin Match to source 16 in source list: Yusuf Abdullah, Salamah Wahyuni. attendance at work, and cooperative attitudeEnd Match (Nitisesmito, 1982). Begin Match to source 16 in source list: Yusuf Abdullah, Salamah Wahyuni. TheEnd Match elements related to Begin Match to source 16 in source list: Yusuf Abdullah, Salamah Wahyuni. performanceEnd Match consist of: 1. Quantity of work, namely the amount of work that can be completed Begin Match to source 11 in source list: aEnd Match certain Begin Match to source 11 in source list: 2. Quality of workEnd Match, namely Begin Match to source 11 in source list: quality of work achieved based onEnd Match the Begin Match to source 11 in source list: Match requirements. Begin Match to source 11 in source list: Job knowledgeEnd Match, namely employee understanding Begin Match to source 11 in source list: workEnd Match procedures Begin Match to source 11 in source list: Match technical information about work. 4. Creativeness, which is the ability to adapt to conditions and be reliable in work. 5. Cooperation, which is cooperation with coworkers and superiors. 6. Dependability, which is the ability to complete work without depending on others. 7. Initiative, which is the ability to generate ideas in work. 8. Personal qualities, namely the ability in various fields of work (Triguna, 1996). From the various definitions of performance above, it can be concluded Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. that performance isEnd Match the Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. result of work achieved by a person in carrying outEnd Match the Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. tasks assigned to him based on skills, experience andEnd Match seriousness Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. andEnd Match on Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. timeEnd Match. The form Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. of performance can beEnd Match seen from Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. theEnd Match level of work Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. performanceEnd Match in the form Begin Match to source 8 in source list: Amiral Emeraldo Zahari, Hady Efendy. of workEnd Match results, ability and acceptance of the clarity of task delegation and the interest of a worker. Begin Match to source 17 in source list: performanceEnd Match is Begin Match to source 17 in source list: set ofEnd Match real behaviors Begin Match to source 17 in source list: teachers show when they provide learning to studentsEnd Match. Begin Match to source 2 in source list: performance when referring toEnd Match Mangkunegara's Begin Match to source 2 in source list: that the tasks faced by a teacher include: making teachingEnd Match programs, choosing appropriate Begin Match to source 2 in source list: and media for deliveryEnd Match, conducting evaluations, Begin Match to source 2 in source list: following up with enrichment and remedialEnd Match (Fahmi, 2010). Begin Match to source 3 in source list: toEnd Match Indonesian Begin Match to source 3 in source list: number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, in chapter 1 article 1 it is stated that: "Teachers are professional educators with the mainEnd Match tasks Begin Match to source 3 in source list: educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students in early childhood educationEnd Match in Begin Match to source 3 in source list: educationEnd Match, primary Begin Match to source 3 in source list:, and secondary education. TheEnd Match law further Begin Match to source 3 in source list: that: "Professional isEnd Match a job Begin Match to source 3 in source list: Match activity Begin Match to source 3 in source list: out byEnd Match a person Begin Match to source 3 in source list: becomes a source ofEnd Match life Begin Match to source 3 in source list: that meets certain quality standards or norms and requires professional educationEnd Match (Kholis, 2004). Teachers are Begin Match to source 2 in source list: spearhead of implementing education. The success of teachers in carrying out their duties is a reflection of teacher performance, and this can be seen from the actualization of teacherEnd Match competence Begin Match to source 2 in source list: realizing their professional duties. In connection withEnd Match their Begin Match to source 2 in source list: Match, some Begin Match to source 2 in source list: have good performance and some have poor performance. Teachers who have good performanceEnd Match are called professional teachers (Hadiwiryo, 2015). METHOD This study emphasizes the type of qualitative research that explains the actual state of an object that is directly related to the context of the research concern. Thus, this research uses qualitative research. Begin Match to source 5 in source list: research is research in the field ofEnd Match social sciences and Begin Match to source 5 in source list: with activities based on scientific disciplines to collect, analyze and interpret facts and relationships between facts of nature, society, human behavior andEnd Match spirit Begin Match to source 5 in source list: order toEnd Match find new Begin Match to source 5 in source list: of knowledge and methodsEnd Match in an effort Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Match respond to these things. Begin Match to source 5 in source list: is meant by qualitative research isEnd Match exploratory Begin Match to source 5 in source list: Match (exploration) and descriptive research whose results are presented in qualitative form (Arifin, 1996). According to Krik and Miler define kaulitatif research is "a tradition of social science that fundamentally relies on human observation and relationships with these people in their language and in their terms (Moleong, 2000)." Reasons for using qualitative research: Begin Match to source 9 in source list: Submitted to IAIN Bengkulu on 2023-03-011. It is easier to make adjustments toEnd Match a multi-dimensional Begin Match to source 9 in source list: Submitted to IAIN Bengkulu on 2023-03-01realityEnd Match. Begin Match to source 9 in source list: Submitted to IAIN Bengkulu on 2023-03-012. It is easier toEnd Match present Begin Match to source 9 in source list: Submitted to IAIN Bengkulu on 2023-03-01directly the nature of the relationship betweenEnd Match research Begin Match to source 9 in source list: Submitted to IAIN Bengkulu on 2023-03-01and research subjects. 3End Match. Have Begin Match to source 9 in source list: Submitted to IAIN Bengkulu on 2023-03-01sensitivity andEnd Match self-adjustment power from many influences arising from the value patterns encountered. In preparing this research, researchers used data collection techniques, namely as follows: 1. Observation The observation technique is to make direct observations to the object of research to see up close the activities carried out (Ridwan, 2011). 2. Interview Interview (interview), namely, researchers collect a number of data and information in the field through interviews or questions and answers directly with teachers who are considered competent in the problem under study. 3. Documentation Documentation, namely researchers collect a number of data and information in the field by collecting important documents or archives, which are considered to help provide complete data about the object to be studied. Qualitative data analysis techniques was made by working with data, organizing data, sorting it into manageable units, synthesizing it, looking for and finding what is important and what can be told to others (Sugiyono, 2010). The process of data collection and data analysis in practice is not absolutely separated. These activities sometimes run simultaneously, meaning that the results of data collection are then followed up with more data collection. Data analysis in this study was carried out since before entering the field, during the field and after the data collection process. Nasution as quoted by Sugiyono stated "analysis has started since formulating and explaining the problem, before going to the field until writing the research results (Sugiyono, 2010). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Coaching the Responsibility of PAI Teachers The results of the study has been explained that on fostering the responsibility of PAI teachers, the Head of SMK Negeri 1 Biromaru has made a plan in the form of an annual program well. With the preparation of the program, it allows the activities to be carried out to run well, so as to achieve good results as well. Planning is a phase of defining and discussing roles, responsibilities, and measurable expectations. The planning leads to the coaching phase where PAI teachers are guided and developed-encouraging or directing their efforts through support, feedback, and rewards. Then in the evaluation phase, PAI teachers' performance is assessed and compared to the expectations set in the performance plan. Plans continue to be developed, the cycle repeats, and teachers, principals and administrative staff, and the organization continue to learn and grow. Programming is an important part of the management process. The principal's program includes a program to foster the responsibility of PAI teachers in carrying out their duties, which are related to the preparation of learning programs, the implementation of the learning process and the evaluation of learning outcomes. For PAI teachers who are not yet capable, coaching will be carried out on a scale so that all teachers become capable of carrying out the tasks that have become their responsibility. In connection with the above explanation, the head of SMK 1 Biromaru said: “We make a plan called the annual program which consists of several sub-fields, including the teaching field, although we only include the main points” (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). Coaching according to experts interpreted as building, describing, and improving". The term building according to Crabb as defined as the process of receiving (receiving), maintaining and repairing (confining), and preserving (retaining), in an effort to meet needs ". Meanwhile, Barnhat defines coaching as the same as to build which means to form gradually, create structures, build, develop, improve, grow and cultivate according to (Wojowasito, 1990). Coaching is also defined as supervision, which Semiawan defines as a process of supervising a person's ability to achieve organizational goals. Wiles defines supervision as assistance in the development of teaching and learning situations and McNeil defines supervision tasks as planning tasks, administrative tasks and participation tasks. The planning task is to establish policies and programs. The administrative task is decision-making and coordination through conferences and consultations carried out in an effort to find improvements in the quality of teaching (Semiawan, 1987). Defining supervision is a planned coaching activity to assist teachers and other school employees in doing their jobs effectively. From the above definition, the term coaching can be grouped into three meanings, namely: (1) receiving, maintaining, and establishing; (2) repairing, and restoring; (3) continuing, growing, developing, improving quality, or providing a new structure. further according to the interview the principal said that: Coaching is also related to functions and efforts to increase human utilization in the process of cooperation to achieve common goals carried out through efforts to create a work atmosphere that can encourage optimal development of potential. The purpose of coaching itself is created to develop the ability to carry out tasks and work functions better, more effectively, more skillfully and more systematically in the workplace. do something work (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). The purpose of PAI Teacher Development is part of the duties and responsibilities of the leaders whose implementation is focused on efforts to realize: (1) Obtaining a capable, skilled and professional workforce so that it has the ability to work according to the needs of the institution/organization where it works (2) Mobilizing them to achieve predetermined organizational/institutional goals; (3) Maintaining and developing the skills and abilities of employees to get the highest and best work performance. So the main task of coaching is the efforts that must be made to obtain and maintain and foster employees towards a capability in a pleasant working atmosphere and utilize employees effectively, efficiently, and accountably, which in this case is the activity of school principals in an effort to improve the professional ability of PAI teachers' performance (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). The Head of SMK Negeri I Biromaru in Guiding the Responsibilities of PAI Teachers Conducts Guidance which includes two sub-functions, namely: controlling and supervising. Supervision and supervision have a close relationship between one another. Both are complementary, these two sub- functions have similarities and differences. In general, the similarities between supervision and supervision are part of coaching activities as a management function. Both are done intentionally. The target is subordinate staff or implementers of educational programs. Supervision and supervision are systematic and programmed activity processes. Its implementation requires professional personnel. The results of supervision and supervision are used for the implementation and development of programs or organizational activities in achieving predetermined goals. In addition to the similarities between supervision and supervision, there are also five differences. First, supervision places more emphasis on examining the extent to which regulations, policies, orders, guidelines and implementation instructions that have been established by higher-level leaders or organizations are followed and implemented appropriately by organizers, staff and implementers. Meanwhile, supervision emphasizes the process that occurs in the implementation of activities related to educational programs based on predetermined plans and regulations. Secondly, in general, decision-making in supervision is done unilaterally, namely by supervisors from higher levels of institutions or organizations based on predetermined criteria or regulations. In supervision, decision-making is based on conclusions drawn from data or information contained in the activity, and the decision-making process is carried out jointly by the supervisor and the supervised party. Third, supervision is more directed at the supervisor's efforts to correct things that are not in accordance with applicable regulations, policies and other provisions. This improvement is carried out by the principal by giving instructions, orders, warnings and examples. Meanwhile, supervision leads to the supervisor's efforts to improve the ability of the supervised party by means of dialogue and discussion, so that the supervised party can find problems and solutions. Fourth, school principals generally act to direct the supervised party by emphasizing the rules that apply and must be followed carefully by the supervised party. Fifth, the relationship between the supervisor and the supervised is more characterized by a vertical relationship, superior to subordinate, or a one-way relationship. Whereas in supervision, the relationship between the supervisor and the supervised party is characterized by horizontal or parallel relationships so that this relationship can foster a familiar atmosphere, friendship and two-way communication. The responsibility of coaching PAI teachers lies in the hands of the school principal. The purpose of teacher coaching is to improve the professional ability of teachers in improving the learning process and results through the provision of assistance that is mainly characterized as professional services to teachers. If the teaching and learning process improves, then learning outcomes are expected to improve as well. Thus, a series of teacher professional development efforts will facilitate the achievement of learning activity goals. In a more detailed formulation, the Head of SMK Negeri I Biromaru stated the objectives of fostering teacher responsibility as follows: 1. Improving teacher teaching and student learning goals. 2. Improving teaching and learning materials and activities. 3. Improving methods, i.e. how to organize teaching and learning activities. 4. Improving the assessment of the media. 5. Improving the assessment of the teaching and learning process and its results. 6. Improving student guidance for learning difficulties. 7. Improving teachers' attitude towards their duties (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). Based on these objectives, the principal can then identify the functions of teacher coaching. These functions include: Maintaining the best teaching program, assessing and improving factors that affect learning, improving children's learning situation. It is clear that the function of coaching teachers' responsibility is to foster a climate for improving the process of learning outcomes through a series of coaching efforts for PAI teachers in the form of professional services. (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2021). The function of fostering teacher responsibility, both supervision and supervision, the head of SMK Negeri I Biromaru uses a direct approach (direct contact) and or an indirect approach (indirect ontanct). The direct approach is to conduct coaching through face-to-face meetings with the teachers being fostered or by implementing the program. The direct approach can be done through discussions, meetings, questions and answers, field visits, home visits and so on. An indirect approach occurs when the fostering party makes coaching efforts to the PAI Teacher through written instructions. Both direct and indirect approaches are commonly used in coaching the managers and implementers of educational programs with the intention that the activities are in accordance with the plan and can achieve the goals that have been set. The Principal explained that from the guidance of the teacher's responsibility, the teacher will feel responsible because according to the principal there are three duties and responsibilities of PAI teachers, specifically: a) PAI teachers as teachers; b) PAI teachers as mentors; and c) PAI teachers as class administrators. These three teacher duties are the main tasks of the teaching profession. PAI teachers as teachers emphasize more on the task of planning and implementing teaching. In this task the teacher is required to have a set of knowledge and technical teaching skills, in addition to mastering the knowledge or material to be taught. PAI teachers as mentors emphasize the task of providing assistance to students in solving the problems they face. This task is an educational aspect, because it is not only concerned with the delivery of knowledge but also concerns the development of personality and the formation of the values of the students. Meanwhile, the task as a class administrator is essentially an intertwining of the management of the teaching field and management in general. However, the management of the teaching field is more prominent and prioritized for the teaching profession. In line with this, the principal emphasizes and divides the duties and responsibilities of teachers into five categories, namely a) responsibility in teaching; b) responsibility in providing guidance; c) responsibility in developing the curriculum; d) responsibility in developing the profession; and e) responsibility in relations with the community (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). Based on these objectives, the principal can then identify the functions of teacher coaching. These functions include: Maintaining the best teaching program, assessing and improving factors that affect learning, improving children's learning situation. It is clear that the function of coaching teachers' responsibility is to foster a climate for improving the process of learning outcomes through a series of coaching efforts for PAI teachers in the form of professional services. (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2021). The function of fostering teacher responsibility, both supervision and supervision, the head of SMK Negeri I Biromaru uses a direct approach (direct contact) and or an indirect approach (indirect ontanct). The direct approach is to conduct coaching through face-to-face meetings with the teachers being fostered or by implementing the program. The direct approach can be done through discussions, meetings, questions and answers, field visits, home visits and so on. An indirect approach occurs when the fostering party makes coaching efforts to the PAI Teacher through written instructions. Both direct and indirect approaches are commonly used in coaching the managers and implementers of educational programs with the intention that the activities are in accordance with the plan and can achieve the goals that have been set. The Principal explained that from the guidance of the teacher's responsibility, the teacher will feel responsible because according to the principal there are three duties and responsibilities of PAI teachers, namely : a) PAI teachers as teachers; b) PAI teachers as mentors; and c) PAI teachers as class administrators. These three teacher duties are the main tasks of the teaching profession. PAI teachers as teachers emphasize more on the task of planning and implementing teaching. In this task the teacher is required to have a set of knowledge and technical teaching skills, in addition to mastering the knowledge or material to be taught. PAI teachers as mentors emphasize the task of providing assistance to students in solving the problems they face. This task is an educational aspect, because it is not only concerned with the delivery of knowledge but also concerns the development of personality and the formation of the values of the students. Meanwhile, the task as a class administrator is essentially an intertwining of the management of the teaching field and management in general. However, the management of the teaching field is more prominent and prioritized for the teaching profession. In line with this, the principal emphasizes and divides the duties and responsibilities of teachers into five categories, namely a) responsibility in teaching; b) responsibility in providing guidance; c) responsibility in developing the curriculum; d) responsibility in developing the profession; and e) responsibility in relations with the community (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). Responsibility in developing the profession is basically a demand and a call to always love, appreciate, maintain, and improve the duties and responsibilities of the profession. PAI teachers must realize that their duties and responsibilities cannot be done by others, except by themselves. Similarly, he/she must realize that in carrying out his/her duties, he/she is always required to be serious and not a part-time job. From the results of the research conducted, it illustrates that the efforts to improve the performance of PAI teachers carried out by the Principal are one of them also by implementing teacher discipline through: (1)Coaching, (2) supervision and (3) action in discipline. This can be illustrated that the head of SMK 1 Biromaru fostered the discipline of PAI teachers through written and unwritten directions as well as conducting supervision through daily pickets and taking action for those who violated it. In connection with this problem, the principal said: To enforce discipline, we start with briefings and appeals both through meetings and through verbal and written warnings and supervision of teachers who are late, especially on Monday because of the flag ceremony (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). It appears that the efforts made by the principal in improving discipline are in the form of appeals, reprimands, class operations and motivating teachers to carry out their duties properly. Every educational institution should open itself to the demands of change and try to strategize policies that are in line with change. Educational institutions that are able to work are educational institutions that are supported by advanced and resilient human resources. Educational institutions that work cannot be separated from the role of teachers. PAI teacher is a professional educator with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students. Improving the quality of teachers, especially PAI teachers at SMKN I Biromaru The principal provides a program in the form of workshops, MGMP, and other activities related to improving the quality of teachers despite the fact that the program pursued by the Principal has not been realized to the fullest. These activities also discuss the forms of discipline of PAI teachers that must be improved. According to Mr. Irman Masungo, there are several forms of discipline that must be carried out by a high school and vocational school teacher in accordance with the 3 pillars of policy in education at the point of improving quality, relevance and competitiveness in Sigi Regency, including: Discipline in terms of teaching attendance, the provision of teaching hours for civil servant teachers is 24 hours a week. Discipline in terms of time effectiveness, what is meant by time effectiveness is the maximum use of teaching time with maximum results, teachers are required to make teaching plans whose purpose is as a guideline when teaching where in the teaching plan the prepared material can be delivered optimally and able to achieve several predetermined indicators. Discipline in terms of dress, there are provisions for dressing for a teacher. Dress must be polite and neat according to the criteria of a good teacher. To avoid The local government provides a dress policy for teachers in Sigi Regency to wear the same uniform. Discipline in terms of conducting learning, teachers must compile learning tools before conducting learning, and master teaching competencies in accordance with their profession. PAI teachers must be relevant in using learning resources and use existing learning media and choose appropriate learning methods. The teacher discipline development program is carried out through workshops" (Masungo, KEPSEK, Interview, June 2022). The Principal always provides guidance and direction to all PAI teachers, both civil servants and non-civil servants, to always study PP No. 53 of 2010 so that teachers can know the function, nature and sanctions listed in the Government Regulation. The ability of students to improve in the sense of increasing grades due to successful discipline development (in practice and skills). Specifically, the level of teacher discipline in teaching increases, for example 24 hours per week. The level of teacher attendance in teaching, willingness to change. These indicators can be achieved maximally with the main key if the teacher as an actor in education has the awareness of implementing the teacher discipline coaching program pursued by the Head of SMK Negeri 1 Biromaru in earnest. PAI teachers are one of the components in education that is considered to play a very important role. Teachers are promoters for students while in the school environment. In educating students to become real human beings, a professional teacher is needed and can create a conducive educational environment. The statement delivered by Irman Yotto was: "Regarding teachers' unawareness of their obligations as educators occurs because of the desire to prioritize their personal needs which results in students becoming victims of teacher indiscipline. In addition, not all teachers behave this way, there are some teachers who have not been able to carry out their obligations optimally for one reason, namely the demands of the regulations” (Yotto, Deputy Head of Curriculum, Interview, June 2022). The statement delivered by the Principal regarding the teacher discipline coaching program carried out through clinical supervision is for the improvement of teaching by observing, analyzing and ultimately changing behavior in the classroom which includes: discipline towards time, discipline towards targets, discipline towards quality, discipline towards work priorities and discipline towards procedures. The mandatory special programs that must be carried out by teachers and PAI Teachers at SMK Negeri 1 Biromaru are: a). Attend school 15 minutes before the lesson starts and leave school when the lesson is over b). Signing the attendance list c). Organizing students who will enter the class by lining up regularly. d). Attend and leave class on time. e). Carry out all duties in an orderly and organized manner. f). Make a program for practice materials and be checked by the principal. g). Make teaching preparations before teaching. h). Participate in national religious holiday ceremonies and other events organized by the school. i). Checking each student's work or student practice and returning it to the student. j). Completing class administration properly and regularly. k). Not leaving school without the permission of the principal. i). Not teaching in other schools without the permission of the authorized official. j). Not smoking while in the school environment. k). Filling in the lesson boundary book after each lesson. l). Fill in the teacher's agenda book. m). Dress in sports clothes while giving physical education and health lessons. n). Prepare and check the tools to be used in physical education lessons and to their original places. o). Supervise students during recess. p). Participate in gymnastics held with students at school. q). Dress neatly and appropriately according to applicable regulations r). Record student attendance every day. s). Helping students who have learning difficulties and providing enrichment programs that have more skills. t). Zuhur prayers in congregation with students according to a predetermined schedule. u). Organize periodic student seating transfers. When viewed from the explanation given by the Principal regarding the discipline of PAI teachers and efforts to improve the quality of teachers through the PAI teacher discipline coaching program at SMK Negeri I Biromaru, it can be seen that this program is classified as a modern disciplinary approach and a disciplinary approach with tradition. It is said so because in the modern disciplinary approach the Principal seeks to find a number of needs and necessities beyond punishment, and it is said to be an approach with tradition because in the process of implementing the program strong sanctions are applied for each violation that occurs according to the level or type of violation, both minor, moderate and severe violations in accordance with PP no 53 of 2010. CONCLUSION The responsibility of coaching PAI teachers lies in the hands of the school principal. The purpose of coaching PAI teachers is to improve the professional ability of PAI teachers in improving the process and learning outcomes through the provision of assistance that is mainly characterized by professional services to PAI teachers. 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Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Prima Indonesia on 2022-12-02JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022End Match 3348 Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Prima Indonesia on 2022-12-02JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022End Match 3349 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3350 Begin Match to source 4 in source list: Submitted to Universitas Prima Indonesia on 2022-12-02JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022End Match 3351 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3352 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3353 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3354 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3355 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3356 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3357 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3358 JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DAN KONSELING VOLUME 4 NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2022 3360