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The Role of Teachers Islamic Boarding Schools in Training Santri's Interpersonal Skills at the Ittihadul Ummah Modern Boarding School Gontor Poso Adawiyah Pettalongi1, Muh. Nur Afwan2 & Mohamad
Idhan3 1,2,2 Department of Islamic Education, Postgradtuate Studies, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN)Datokarama Palu Correspondent author,Sagaf S. Pettalongi
E-mail :sagafspettalongi@ ABSTRACT ARTICLE INFORMATION This study discusses
the role of Islamic Boarding Schools in training santri's interpersonal skills at the Ittihadul Ummah Gontor Poso Modern Islamic Boarding School
. This study
used a case study qualitative research method. Data was collected through direct observation, in-depth interviews
and analysis of written documents. Then the
data were analyzed with a thematic approach by building themes from the data obtained in
the field. The results showed that the role of Pondok Modern Ittihadul Ummah Gontor Poso in training students' Interpersonal skills can be seen in three forms, namely in intra-curricular activities which include: 'UluumulIslamiyah, 'UluumulLughoh and 'Uluumul 'Aammah.Then the role of the pesantren is also seen in the Ko Curricular activities which include the implementation of Charity Worship. Implementation of Practice and Guidance in the formation of organizations, Scouts, and the development of interests and talents.Supervision of intra-curricular activities is carried out by teachers and administrators of the santri organization in the boarding sachool. The leadership method used in educating and training the students is direction, training, assignment, habituation, escort, and UswahHasanah.The supporting factor in training students' interpersonal skills is the support of good pesantren leaders. Keywords: Islamic boarding school, Gontor, Poso, The Role of Islamic Teachers e-ISSN: 2715-4572 1. Introduction Humans are creatures that are bound by education.Education makes human life easier so that humans are referred to as "animal educable" which means, humans are creatures that can be educated.Humans are also called "homo educandum" which means that humans are essentially creatures that must be educated, and "homo educandus" which means that humans not only must and can be educated, but humans must be able to educate other humans.1The educational process does not take place individually, but socially.In this case, humans need other humans as educators (homo educandus) and as educated (homo educandum), that's why humans are called social beings.the ability to interact socially is very important, social intelligence is called interpersonal intelligence.2 Interpersonal Intelligence is one of seven types of intelligence offered by a developmental psychologist Howard Gardner in his theory: Multiple Intelligences "multiple intelligence".3Interpersonal intelligence is intelligence related to social relations, social activities, and social interactions which makes this intelligence respect 1Makmur,
M., Nurdin, N., & Pettalongi, A. (2022). Islamic Education Values In Sintuwu Maroso Culture. Paper presented at the Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu
. 2Tartila, M Fiky. (2021). “Kecerdasan Interpersonal Dan Perilaku Prososial” 8 3Rahmawati,
R., Nurdin, N., & Pettalongi, A. (2022). Science Learning Methods in Kindergarten Schools (Study at: Khalifah Kindergarten in Palu City 2021). Paper presented at the Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu
. differences4, so that it is able to understand other people, empathize, work together, motivate, be sensitive to moods, willingness, the goals and feelings of other people and being able to react properly.5 Interpersonal Intelligence can be developed by means of "Involvement in Social Activities" or involvement in social activities.Yoyon Suroyono said that involving children in social activities is a stimulation that can be used in developing children's interpersonal intelligence.6 In reality, the development of interpersonal intelligence is not an easy thing to do, several formal educational institutions make efforts to involve children in social activities.Among them by using the role playing method and social approach. Even so, the efforts made were still not maximal in their development. Rina said that limited time and material correlation made the role- playing method less than optimal in its implementation.7 The involvement of students in social activities and long allocation of 4Al Firdaus, (2019). “Kecerdasan Interpersonal Humanistik Dalam Prespektif Al- qur’an” I, no. 1: 25–44. 5Rina, Arta Wisma. (2019). “
Implementasi Metode Bermain Peran Dalam Membentuk Kemampuan Kecerdasan Intrapersonal Anak Usia Dini Di Paud Mekar Sari Pringsewu
”: 15-23 6Suryono, Yono.Yulia Ayzira, and Farida Bagus. (2008). Panduan Orang Tua Dalam Menstimulus Kecerdasan Majemuk Anak Usia Dini. Yogyakarta. 7Eshach,
H. (2007). Bridging In-school and Out-of-school Learning: Formal, Non- Formal, and Informal Education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(2), 171-190. doi:10.1007/s10956-006-9027-1
e-ISSN: 2715-4572 time can be found in the educational climate
of Islamic boarding schools.The majority of Islamic boarding schools
in Indonesia use a boarding education system where education lasts 24 hours.8Every day for 24 hours, students are faced with discipline which is dominated by joint activities, starting from praying, reciting the Koran, giving vocabulary, muhadatsah (conversations), teaching and learning activities, extracurricular activities, and other activities.9 The boarding school of Itiihadul Ummah Gontor Poso is one of the Islamic boarding schools in the Central Sulawesi area, the author's initial observations found that the educational activities carried out at the Islamic boarding school contained elements of interpersonal skills training, this was reflected in intra-curricular, co- curricular, extracurricular activities.andcurricular activities that involve students directly in training and social activities.10Starting from small 8Achdiyaradzan,
M., Nurdin, N., & Alhabsyi, F. (2022). Application of Extracurricular Activities in Shaping the Character of Students in Gontor Poso Modern Islamic Boarding School. Paper presented at the Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu . 9Nurfaiqah, N., Nurdin, N
., &
Alhabsyi, F. (2022). Management of Al-Qur'an Learning at One Day One Juz Palu Community. Paper presented at the Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu
. 10Pratama,
M. W., Pettalongi, S. S., & Nurdin, N. (2022). Integrated Curriculum in Pondok Pesantren with the Mu'allimin System (Study the Curriculum of Pondok Modern Ittihadul Ummah Gontor 11 Poso). Paper presented at the Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu
. activities such as public speaking training which is strengthened by two types of foreign languages (Arabic and English), leading and motivating other people, organizes and leads them. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Interpersonal Intelligence Interpersonal, in language consists of two words in English, namely: Inter which means "between" and personal which means "personal" Interpersonal intelligence means interpersonal intelligence.11This intelligence is also called social intelligence12.Brent Underson in
Using DR.Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence to Connect 4th and 8th Grade Student to nature
, cites the definition of interpersonal intelligence by Gardner which mentions interpersonal intelligence as the best learning by relating to other people (
Learn best through relating to other people's feelings and
work cooperatively with them.13 Interpersonal intelligence is unavoidably related to socializing and making friends, more than that, this intelligence is related to leadership, organizing, and moving others and understanding the "state of heart" of others.14A leader is usually strong in this 11Nurdin,
N. (2009). Segregasi Dalam Pengajaran Dan Penguasaan Bahasa. MUSAWA, 1(1), 23-41 . 12Tartila, M
Fiky. (2021). “Kecerdasan Interpersonal Dan Perilaku Prososial” 8. 13Underson, Brent. (
2017). Using DR. Howard Gardner‟s Theory of Multiple Intelligence to Connect 4th-8th Grade Student to Nature, Hamline University
. 14Jismin,
J., Nurdin, N., & Rustina, R. (2022). Analisis Budaya Organisasi Dalam
e-ISSN: 2715-4572 intelligence, however, do not make this intelligence specific to a leader or organization, everyone has the potential for this intelligence and subconsciously uses it in socializing with others.In this case, Gardner said that the potential that has existed since birth must be developed.At a further level of development, this intelligence will then be useful in the child's future professions such as political or religious leaders, salespeople, marketers, teachers, therapists, parents, and so on.15 Interpersonal intelligence and its relation to leadership are understood as the interpersonal intelligence which
is characterized by the ability to perceive and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations and desires of other people.16Someone who is optimal in this intelligence tends to like and be effective in terms of nurturing and educating others, communicating, interacting, empathizing and sympathizing, leading and organizing groups, making friends, resolving and mediating conflicts, respecting the opinions and rights of others, seeing things from a variety of perspectives.point of view, sensitive or sensitive to the interests and motives of
Meningkatkan Prestasi Kerja Pegawai Administrasi UIN Datokarama Palu. Jurnal Integrasi Manajemen Pendidikan, 1(1), 20-29
. 15Wahyuddin,
W., Nurdin, N., & Pettalongi, A. (2022). Strategy for Developing Honesty and Caring Attitude in Students. Paper presented at the Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu
. 16Gardner, Howard. (2010). Multiple Intelligences, Jakarta. other people, and good at working together in a team.17,18 Interpersonal Skills or Interpersonal Skills are a series or a set of non-specific skills (non-specific
skills) based on human and organizational interactions such as communication , and problem solving
.19 Interpersonal skills are soft skills that are based on problem solving, communication and teamwork, further leading to leadership. In a study, interpersonal skills are considered important in effective leadership.20 Justice describes four interpersonal skills: Communication, empathy, problem solving, and trust.21 These interpersonal skills are generally aligned with the characteristics, dimensions and characteristics of interpersonal intelligence that have been described in the previous sub-section.The focus of this research is on the three interpersonal kkills, namely: Communication Skills, Problem Solving and Team Work, here are brief indicators of the three. 17Mir,
A. M. (2010). Leadership in Islam. Journal of Leadership Studies, 4(3), 69-72. doi
: 18Musfiroh,
Tadzkiroatun. (2014). Pengembangan Kecerdasan Majemuk. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka
19Premuzic, A. Chamorro-
T., Arteche, A., Bremner, A. J., Greven, C., & Furnham , (2010). “ Soft Skills in Higher Education: Importance and Improvement Ratings as a Function of Individual Differences and Academic Performance .” 2, no. Educational Psychology
: 221–241. 20Goldberg, K, M. P. E., & Proctor. (
2000). Teacher Voices: A Survey on Teacher Recruitment and Retention 2000.New York: Scholastic and Washington, DC Council of Chief State School Officers
. 21Justice, Marsha. (
2018). “The Relationship between Administrator Interpersonal Skills and School Climate , Student Learning , and Teacher Retention
”. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 2.1 Communication skill Interpersonal communication is communication between individuals.22 With the equivalent word prefix Inter which means "between" and personal which means "people" indicates the meaning of interpersonal communication as communication that occurs between people. Interpersonal communication takes place between one or more individuals who send and receive information or messages face to face/directly.23 Interpersonal communication consists of five elements: 1) Communicator or source, as an individual who has a need to communicate.2) Message, is a symbol both verbal and nonverbal that will be conveyed to the communicant.3) Media are physical means that are empowered when it is not possible to convey messages verbally. 4) The communicant, is the person who interprets the message after processing and receiving the message from the communicator.5) Feedback, is the response that occurs between the recipient and the sender. Communication that takes place between individuals theoretically has four objectives including: to be understood, to understand others, to be accepted and to get something done. From the paradigm of Joseph A. Devito in Afrilia, the purpose of interpersonal communication consists of five 22Amiruddin,
A., Nurdin, N., & Ali, M. (2021). Islamic Education Teacher Communication Strategy in Increasing Students' Learning Interest. International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education, 3(1), 41-61
. 23Rahmi, Siti. (2021). Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Hubungannya Dengan Konseling. Aceh: Syia Kuala University Press. objectives, namely: As learning, to relate, to influence, to play and to help24. Does a person with good communication skills just form? Where do the interpersonal ideas, procedural memories and motivational orientations that lead to communication skills come from?the social environment plays a role in influencing a person's communication skills, parents as caregivers contribute to training individuals in using skilled messages, further interactions with peers and the social environment can contribute to the development of interpersonal ideas, procedural memory and motivations based onskilled abilities.In this case, several educational and training program efforts can help and facilitate the development of social perception and communication skills25 2.2 Problem solving skill The definition of problem solving skill, refers to problem solving, in the context of learning, problem solving is usually found in the form of learning methods.problem solving in learning is a series of activities in which students are faced with problems to then think, communicate, search for and process data to conclude26.Mulyasa mentions problem solving as a teaching approach carried out by teachers by presenting problems to students as a stimulus for 24Afrilia,
Ascharisa Mettasatya and Anisa Setya Afrina, 2020). Buku Ajar Komunikasi Interpersonal. Magelang: Pustaka Rumah C1nta
. 25Budyanta. (2015). Muhammad Teori- Teori Mengenai Kecakapan Komunikasi Antarpribadi. Jakarta: Pradanamedia Group. 26Jamaludin.(
2020).“Pembelajaran Sejarah Menggunakan Metode Pemecahan Masalah (Problem Solving) Dalam Melatih Keterampilan Berfikir Kronologis Peserta Didik
”: 1–8. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 students to think critically, gain knowledge and concepts from learning materials, and acquire problem-solving skills27.Problem Solving is also defined as the process of rediscovering in understanding material, concepts and principles in solving problems, where the characteristics of the problem are non-routine, this skill is classified as a high-level mathematical hard skill. The next definition is: problem solving in a social context or called social problem solving.Social problem solving is a conscious, rational, effortless activity and leads to a goal.This process is
aimed at changing a problematic situation for the better, reducing the emotional distress that arises from the problem, or aimed at both
.Dzurilla and Goldfried define social
problem solving as : “As it occurs in the natural environment, problem solving is defined as the self-directed cognitive-behavioral process by which an individual, couple, or group attempts to identify or discover effective solutions to specific problems encountered in everyday living.More specifically, this cognitive-behavioral process (a) makes available a variety of potentially effective solutions for a particular problem and (b) increases the probability of selecting the most effective solution from among the various alternatives
.28 Indicators of problem solving according to Spence: Social problem solving: (1), problem identification, (2) 27Mulyasa,
E. (2004). Implementasi Kurikulum 2004 Panduan Pembelajaran KBK. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya
. 28D’
Zurilla, T. J. and M. R. Goldfried. (1971) “Problem Solving and Behavior Modification.,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 78. 107–126 . generation of
alternative solutions, (3) predicting consequences (prediction of consequences), (4) choosing (selection), and (5) planning of appropriate responses. 2.3 Team Work Team Work or Teamwork is an activity, work or activity that is carried out by several people in groups with joint efforts and efforts. Working together in a "Team" means that everyone who is written, registered or included in the Team must function and contribute cooperatively to achieve goalswhich has been created by adhering to the importance of cohesiveness29. Working together in a team can make work easier, work is lighter and can be completed more quickly so that time is used more efficiently, for example in typing a script.for example typing a piece of manuscript can be completed in 5 minutes, if twenty sheets of manuscript are typed then it takes approximately 100 minutes for an individual to complete the entire manuscript. If twenty sheets of manuscript are typed by 20 people at once then it will only take 5 minutes.In this case teamwork and division of tasks can save energy and make time efficient.However, what needs to be underlined is that teamwork is not an easy thing to do because in a team there are various individuals with different characteristics and thoughts.For this reason, good communication is needed, 29Gede,
I Wayan, Indra Parta , and I Gede Aryana Mahayasa. (2021). “Pengaruh Keterampilan Kerja , Team Work , Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pada Art Shop Cahaya Silver Di Celuk , Gianyar
” 1, no. 1: 65–76. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 putting aside ego, working together and putting team interests above personal interests.30 3. Methodology
This research uses qualitative research methods .In the process of collecting data
in the field, the authors used
observation, interview and documentation techniques.Furthermore, the collected data were analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and data verification
. This study employed qualitative method. Qualitative research is also considered as an interpretive research where the researcher is the center of understanding and making senses research phenomena31,32. Qualitative method carried out research in a natural setting or a research is conducted in a natural situations that is not manipulated by circumstances and conditions.33,34. The 30Tunjiyah, Alfeti
Kharisma, (2020). “Pengaruh Penerapan Konsep Teamwork Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Badan Kepegawaian Dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Daerah Kabupaten Brebes
” 31Nurdin,
N., & Pettalongi, S. S. (2022). Interpretive case study to understand online communication in an e-tendering project implementation. Jurnal Manajemen Komunikasi, 7(1), 39-54 . 32Nurdin, N
. (
2022). Impact of Internet Development on Muslim Interaction with Islam. Paper presented at the Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu
. 33Nurdin,
N., Stockdale, R., & Scheepers, H. (2016). Influence of Organizational Factors in the Sustainability of E-Government: A Case Study of Local E-Government in Indonesia. In I . S. Sodhi (Ed.), Trends, Prospects, and Challenges in Asian E-Governance (pp. 281-323). Hershey, PA , USA: IGI Global
. data was obtained from verbal and nonverbal language and situations accompanying the object being studied. Through this approach, data regarding Islamic education teacher strategies in improving students' religious attitudes will be obtained through the phenomena captured by the author by providing an interpretation of the symptoms that arise. The subjects in this study were Islamic boarding school students in Poso regency. Meanwhile, in data collection, we used
direct observation, in-depth interviews, and written document analysis . The interviews
used were semi structured interviews, where the researchers did not use systematic and complete interview guidelines for data collection. The interview guide used is only an outline of the problems to be asked. The purpose of using this method is for researchers to obtain more in-depth information about the Islamic education teacher's strategy in shaping the learning culture of students. The observation used by the author is a type of non-participant observation, namely observation where the researcher is only an observer (as a third party). In this study, the authors also used structured observation to obtain data regarding Islamic education teachers' strategies in shaping students' learning culture. Written document is a type of
written material in the form of essays, memos, announcements, instructions, magazines, bulletins, statements
, letters, 34
Nurdin, N., & Pettalongi, S. S. (2022). Menggunakan Paradigma Studi Kasus Kualitatif Interpretatif Online dan Offline Untuk Memahami Efektivitas Penerapan E- Procurement. Coopetition: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, 13(2), 155-168
. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 diaries, souvenirs, reports, and others which are not limited by space and time so as to provide an opportunity for researchers to find out things that have happened in the past. From this description, the documentation method is data collection
by examining important records that are very closely related to the research object . The aim of
this method is to obtain clear and concrete data about the teacher's strategy for Islamic education in shaping the learning culture of students. 4. Results And Discussion 4.1 The role of boarding school Ittihadul Ummah Gontor in building Interpersonal Skill. Intracurricular activities at Islamic boarding schools are classified into 3 types, namely: 1.) Islamic Religious Sciences ('Uluum Islamiyyah) is a collection of basic Islamic subjects that are required for students to study according to their level of education.
If you look at it from the point of view
of Madrasah educational institutions, Islamic Religious Education subjects consist of five areas of material: History of Islamic Culture, Fiqh, Al-Qur'an Hadith, Aqidah and Morals.Conceptually, the material for 'Uluum Islamiyyah in Gontor consists of the scope of five Islamic Religious Education materials in Madrasah educational institutions in general, it's just that in the KMI curriculum the material is studied more deeply than in Madrasah Education Institutions in general.'Uluum Islamiyyah consists of several subjects: Al-Qur'an Subject, Al- Qur'an subject matter is supported by several Subjects related to the deepening of Al-Qur'an Science, namely: Tajweed Subject (discussing the laws in readingAl-qur'an), Tarjamah Subjects (discussing related to the translation of the Qur'an by teaching Selected Verses) and Tafsir Subjects (discussing the interpretation of verses of the Qur'an, Starting from understanding the vocabulary in verses, Asbabun Nuzul, Verse Munasabah, and Verse Interpretation).Then, the Hadith Subjects are supported by other Subjects as the Deepening of Hadith Science, namely: Bhuluugul Marroom (Studying Selected Takhrij Hadith in the Bhuluugul Marrom Book) and Mustholahul Hadith Subjects (Discussing the Rules of Hadith, such as Sanad, Matan, Narrator, level of hadithin terms of quality and quantity, and so on).Then, Fiqh Subjects are supported by Ushul Fiqh subjects, faraid subjects, Tauhid, Diinul Islamy (which discusses the Islamic Religion whose deepening is supported by other Subject Materials, namely: Al-Adyan (Discussing other religions/Comparison of Religions) andIslamic Dates (Discussing Islamic History. Language Studies ('Uluum Lughoh) is a collection of subjects that contain language learning material, while the languages that are the object of education are Arabic and English.'Uluum Lughoh consists of several subjects: Subjects related to Arabic: Imla' (Dictation training in Arabic, where a teacher reads Arabic writing and students write it according to Arabic writing rules), Tamrin Al- Lughoh (contains materialsbasic Arabic language followed by training according to the sub-material), Insya' (composing in Arabic), Muthola'ah (a collection of stories in Arabic to memorize and pick up the important vocabulary contained e-ISSN: 2715-4572 in each story), Nahwu (studying the structure-sentence structure in Arabic), Shorof (Rules for Changing Words in Arabic), Balaghah (which is the next level of Nahwu and Sharaf who study Arabic as the circumstances and conditions), Al-Mu'jam (Learn the procedure for opening a language dictionaryArabic), and Khat (training in beautiful writing in Arabic).Then Subjects related to English: Reading (studying the basics of English) and Grammar (Learning about the rules in speaking English that are good and right. General Sciences ('Uluum 'Aammah) in terminology comes from Arabic which means General Sciences.
In this regard, the Modern boarding school Ittihadul Ummah Gontor Poso
teaches general subjects.This is the intention of the curriculum which teaches religious material and general material.The subject matter taught is the same as general subject matter that is usually found in educational institutions in general, such as Indonesian, mathematics and so on.In more detail, the 'Uluum 'Aammah taught at Gontor are: Indonesian, English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Geography, Chemistry, citizenship, history, Sociology, Psychology and Teacher Education. Another interesting thing is: the learning process and interactions between ustadz and students are carried out using Arabic and English.-Islamic Religion (Uluumul Islamiyyah) uses Arabic and the printed books used are also in Arabic.For this reason, in the previous explanation we found that subjects belonging to 'Uluumul Islamiyyah (Islamic sciences) were named in Arabic.It doesn't end there, the printed books used by the santri and ustadz are not unlike the yellow books/blank books, in this case, the Arabic language used in each printed book is in a state of no dignity or is commonly called bald.To be able to find out the layout of the vowel in an Arabic book that doesn't have a vowel, the ustadz usually does the "Talaqqi" method where the ustadz reads Arabic material and is followed by the students who listen and write the vowel on the book according to what the ustadz reads.At the advanced level, it is usually the students who are ordered to read the bald book in front of their friends.In the process of the students reading, the ustadz acts to monitor and correct the mistakes of the students if the students make a mistake in placing the vowel when reading the book. The boarding school intracurricular activities take the form of a learning process in class, furthermore the communication used in the learning process is dominated by Arabic- language communication, and sometimes using English (if the subject is in English) and Indonesian (if the subject is in Indonesian).For intracurricular activities, it plays a greater role in training students' communication skills, this is based on the communication indicators that are fulfilled during the activity.While problem solving and team work skills are not well trained in this activity.This is based on the observations of researchers who found that problem solving and team work indicators were not fulfilled in the course of intracurricular activities at Pondok. Ko-curricular activities are enrichment activities of intra-curricular activities mentioned earlier, that intracurricular activities are classified into 3 types.Then in the Ko Curricular activities, enrichment is carried out e-ISSN: 2715-4572 based on the 3 types of intracurricular activities in the form of activities that are classified into 3 types as well.The 3 types of classification of Co-Curricular activities are: 1.) Amaliyah Worship: activities that lead to activities and practices in Worship, such as praying 5 times a day, tadarrus, remembrance and prayer, 2.) Extensive learning: an additional activity with a broad scopewhich includes Arabic and English language development activities, Morning and Evening Muwajjah, Study of Classical Books, Seminars and Speeches in three languages, and 3). Practice and Guidance.Co-curricular activities come with the same results as intra-curricular activities, namely, these activities play more of a role in training students' communication skills and less in training problem solving and team work skills Extracurricular activities are activities whose implementation is carried out outside of extracurricular activities, which is the difference between them and Ko-curricular activities, namely that extracurricular activities are not too closely linked or have a tendency to be related to intracurricular activities.
Pondok Modern Ittihadul Ummah Gontor 11 Poso provides several extracurricular activities , these activities are
broadly divided into 2 types, namely: Compulsory Extracurricular activities which consist of organizational activities and scouting activities. Then, optional Extracurricular Activities which consist of arts and sports activities. Supervised by OPPM and KMI staff.In the previous explanation, it has been explained briefly regarding the activities that are quite complex, and there are many that must be carried out by students in the form of intracurricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.Seeing the explanation about it, we get the state of the santri which was forged through many activities.Interestingly, of the many activities carried out by the santri, all of them are carried out in a systematic and coordinated manner according to the daily turned out, these activities were not carried out in a systematic and coordinated way, from the large number of students and the many activities they carried out, everything was carried out by KMI and OPPM Staff Escort.Specifically, KMI staff are responsible for overseeing intracurricular activities and the OPPM is tasked with overseeing the Ko Curricular and Extracurricular activities. The Gontor Leadership Method. The Gontor curriculum is a leadership curriculum.Gontor, with decades of experience, who is now 97 years old, has his own method and way of educating his students.This experience resulted in several methods known as the leader regeneration method, which consisted of
1) briefing 2) training 3) assignment 4) habituation 5) escort 6) uswah hasanah and 7) approach
. Intra, Ko and Extra activities carried out under escort by OPPM and KMI Staff using the gontor leadership method, are 3 elements that are related to training Interpersonal skills of students and are a manifestation of the existence of Islamic boarding schools themselves. All three are something that has been planned and systemized in the schedule, this is what is scheduled to train students' Interpersonal skills.Interestingly, these scheduled activities unconsciously build a language environment (which trains students' e-ISSN: 2715-4572 communication skills) and builds an organizational environment (which plays a role in training students' problem solving and team work skills).So that it can be said that the interpersonal skills of the students are trained in a scheduled and natural manner. The main point of the findings in this study is that the interpersonal skill training of students at modern boarding school Ittihadul Ummah Gontor Poso is carried out by involving students in an "artificial social environment" which is structured through the cottage curriculum and is reflected through intracurricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities.This is according to Yono's theory which states: that Interpersonal intelligence can be trained by involving students in social activities (Involvment of Social Activities)35. In this case, the students are taught by the boarding school curriculum, namely KMI, which involves students in programs, learning and experiences that take place in a social environment with the full day school program. Furthermore, "artificial social environment", includes language environment and organizational environment. The "language environment" which is reflected in the implementation of intracurricular and co-curricular activities, plays a role in training students' communication skills in Arabic and English. This is carried out with a communication program in Arabic and English followed by discipline and training.Budyanta said the 35 Suryono, Yono.Yulia Ayzira, and Farida Bagus. (2008). Panduan Orang Tua Dalam Menstimulus Kecerdasan Majemuk Anak Usia Dini. Yogyakarta. same thing in his theory: that the communication skills of students by educational institutions, can be developed through programs and training conducted by schools (Budyanta 2015).Apart from that, the foreign language communication that is carried out already fulfills the elements in communication, as the 5 elements of communication mentioned by Rahmy: Communicator, Message, Media, Communicant and Feedback36. Weaknesses found, Foreign-language communication that is carried out sometimes still does not fulfill the purpose of communication because they do not understand the meaning of the vocabulary intended by the interlocutor, the purpose of the intended communication, namely: to be understood, to understand other people, to be accepted and to complete something intended. The next artificial social environment, is the "organizational environment".The organizational environment plays a role in training students' Problem Solving and Team Work skills.This is supported by the theory mentioned by Nata, that the effort that can be made by institutions in training students' team work skills is by applying learning models or activities that involve students in teamwork.37. Furthermore, Team Work activities include Problem Solving skills, here are 12 Team Work indicators: leadership, 36 Rahmi, Siti. (2021). Komunikasi Interpersonal Dan Hubungannya Dengan Konseling. Aceh: Syia Kuala University Press. 37 Nata, A. (2013).
Perspektif Islam Tentang Strategi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group
. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 group goals/aspirations, control and procedures, trust and conflict, differences, use of resources, interpersonal communication, listening to communication lines, problems solving, trial and creativity and evaluation. 38 Organizational Environment, practically contains elements that according to Gapinski are needed in improving Team Work skills, these elements are:
positive interdependence, promotive interaction, individual accountability, personal responsibility , social skills and
processes in groups. 4.2 Supporting and Inhibit Factors The process of training students in communicating using Arabic and English is supported by two factors, namely: environmental factors and training.The environment for students in their daily activities at Pondok is built with an Arabic and English Speaking Environment and they are not allowed to speak Indonesian and regional languages. 2) Problem Solving Skills.This skills training is supported by organizational environmental factors and guidance from mentors.In an organizational environment, senior students are given responsibility.In the process of carrying out their responsibilities, senior santri are faced with problems related to discipline and the needs of junior santri to be 38 Puspitasari, Noviana Ika,Yudi Rinanto, and Sri Widoretno.(2019) “
Peningkatan Keterampilan Kerjasama Peserta Didik Melalui Penerapan Model Group Investigation
Improvement of Student ’ s Teamwork Skills through the Application of Group Investigation Model
” 8. resolved.These problems are routinely discussed and evaluated for follow-up completion every week through the OPPM association. 3) This skills training is supported by three factors, first, Team Work-based school environment and activities.Second, Supervisor Escort and third, a systematic and structured organization with a clear and directed division of tasks. The process of training students' communication skills is influenced by inhibiting factors.These factors are: The narrow language environment and the lack of awareness of some students in language.The purpose of a narrow language environment is that the foreign language environment of students only leads to the pesantren environment, this makes the foreign language of students seem stiff and less flexible. The inhibiting factor was the lack of awareness of some students of their responsibilities which ultimately influenced the students' Problem Solving skills training. Another factor is the lack of consultation of students with supervisors. Team Work skills.In addition to the supporting factors mentioned in the previous article, we will mention the following inhibiting factors: namely, the lack of awareness of students about their responsibilities in teamwork. Even though there has been an organized and clear division of tasks for each student, in the process of teamwork, students are often found who are less concerned about their duties and responsibilities within the team, this causes the training of Team Work skills to be hampered.In this case, usually the ustadz as a mentor figure reprimands and directs the santri to focus and be responsible for his duties, but this is the next obstacle, although this rarely e-ISSN: 2715-4572 happens, usually due to certain activities, the ustadz cannot guide the students' Team Work continuously. 5. Conclusion The existence
of the modern Islamic boarding school Ittihadul Ummah Gontor Poso
in training students' interpersonal skills is reflected in three points. Intracurricular activities ('Uluumul Islamiyah, 'Uluumul Lughoh and 'Uluumul 'Aammah), Ko Curricular (Charity Worship, Extensive Learning and Practice and Guidance) and Extracurricular (Organization, Scouting, and development of interests and talents). Intracurricular activities, Co curricular and extracurricular activities above, are escorted by KMI staff and OPPM management. KMI staff are responsible for overseeing the ongoing intracurricular activities and the OPPM Management is responsible for the ongoing co-curricular and extracurricular activities.3).Gontor Leadership Method. It is the method used by Gontor in educating and training his students, including in training the Interpersonal skills of the Santri.The Gontor Leadership Method Consists of:
1) briefing 2) training 3) assignment 4) habituation 5) escort 6) uswah hasanah and 7) approach
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Paper presented at the Proceeding of e-ISSN: 2715-4572 International Conference on Islamic and Interdisciplinary Studies, Palu. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
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