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14 Islamic Religious Teachers Roles in Drug Mis...

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Islamic Religious Teachers Roles in Drug Misuse Prevention Among Students at State Junior High Schools in Palu Adawiyah Petalongi 1, Nur Atika2, Rusdin
Rusdin3 1’2’3Postgraduate Studies of Islamic Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Datokarama Palu ABSTRACT ARTICLE INFORMATION The focus of this research is the roles of Islamic teachers in the prevention of drug misuse by students of a state junior high school in Palu city, central Sulawesi. This study aims to determine what approaches and methods have been carried out by schools, especially Islamic religious education teachers, to prevent drug misuse by the students of the school. This study uses
a qualitative approach with data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and document studies . The data obtained was then analyzed through the data reduction and presentation techniques. The study found that the
level of drug misuse by the students was relatively high. It was said that the school is a red zone. There were approximately 60 students exposed to drug abuse at the school in 2019. As for the prevention strategies, the school implemented several policies and programs such as conducting basic leadership training, full-day programs at school, religious coaching, and other positive activities. The approaches taken by Islamic religious education teachers in preventing drug abuse are pedagogic, cultural, personality psychology approaches, family involvement, emotional approaches, Islamic guidance, counseling approaches, and religiosity approaches. Keywords: Islamic teachers, drugs misuse, drug prevention, students, junior high achool. 1. Introduction Drug abuse among teenagers, especially among students, is increasing, especially in the city of Palu. Most of the users are millennials or the younger generation. According to a study by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in 2019, the province of Central Sulawesi is currently in 4th place in a drug emergency1. There were 123 students from several schools in Palu city who are exposed to drugs2. Apart from being indicated for consuming methamphetamine drugs, hundreds of these students also consume another related substance drugs such as mosquito repellent concoction, and Fox glue. Cases or criminal acts committed by teenagers under the influence of drugs are increased. The number of criminal cases that occur in the city of Palu, such as burglary, theft, and fights, the perpetrators were carried out by teenagers who are less than 18 years old or around 11-18 years old and they are still sitting
in Junior High School (SMP) and Senior High School (SMA ). The agea are productive period for
teenagers where there is great curiosity and desire to try something new, so many of them falled into using drugs. The increase in drug abuse among students is very troubling and 1 Rahman, M. (2020). Sulteng Peringkat 4 Penyalahgunaan Narkotika di Indonesia. Retrieved 15 Mei 2022, from Republika 384/sulteng-peringkat-4-penyalahgunaan- narkotika-di-indonesia 2 Ibid concerning because it can damage the health of the body, mental health and soul, and even the future of its users both in the long and short term, loss of courtesy and respect for parents and lack of empathy and cannot interact well in the social environment. Students are essentially looking for an identity as if they found space when the student has found his identity, which has to be done through cognitive, affective, and psychomotor processes in guiding, nurturing, educating, and paying attention while developing the potential of students to improve intellectual and moral qualities that are guided by Islamic law. Scholars argue that good education is not only preparing students to achieve high positions or good positions, but education that will continue to try to solve every problem it faces, even big problems in everyday life3. Islam views education as an inseparable part of human life4. Through education, humans can form their personalities by gaining as much knowledge as possible and processing that knowledge as well as possible. There are many verses of the Qur'an and hadith that serve as guidelines for Muslims. Therefore, humans are 3
Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. (1995). From Teaching to Learning — A New Paradigm For Undergraduate Education. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 27(6), 12-26. doi:10.1080/00091383.1995.10544672 4 Yasin, R
F. B. F., & Jani, M. S. (2013). Islamic Education: The Philosophy, Aim, and Main Features. International Journal of Education and Research, 1(10), 1
-19. always required to have faith in exploring and developing knowledge based on the Qur'an and hadith. Teachers as human beings who have the task and function to develop, educate, and improve the quality of education for every individual student. Without teachers, the quality of education will not develop in Indonesia, especially in the city of Palu. In Islamic law, drugs are forbidden goods because they cause poisoning and dependence, which will be difficult to overcome by users. Hence, the nature of the danger posed by drug abusers is even more powerful than consuming alcohol5. According to experts, narcotics are lethal and weaken the nerves in the human body, thereby reducing their function6. In addition, narcotics also damage mental health, which will disrupt the mentality of users and can even threaten the safety of their lives. Therefore, the law on the use of narcotics is forbidden in Islam which is confirmed by alcohol as for the argument as follows in QS: al-Maidah verse: 90-91
رُسِيْمَلْاوَ رُمْخَلْا امَنَّإِ اونُمَآ نَيذِلَّا اهَيُّأَ ايَ هُوبُنِتَجْافَ نِاطَيْشَّلا لِمَعَ نْمِ سٌجْرِ مُلازْلأاوَ بُاصَنْلَّأاوَ ةَوَادَعَلْا مُكُنَيْبَ عَقِويُ نْأَ نُاطَيْشَّلا دُيرِيُ امَنَّإِ نَوحُلِفْتُ مْكُلعَلَ
O'Brien, C. P., Childress, A. R., Ehrman, R., & Robbins, S. J. (1998). Conditioning factors in drug abuse: can they explain compulsion? Journal of Psychopharmacology, 12(1), 15-22. doi:10.1177/026988119801200103 6 White, J. M ., & Irvine, R. J
. (
1999). Mechanisms of fatal opioid overdose. Addiction, 94(7), 961-972 . doi: 0443.1999.9479612.x
رِكْذِ نْعَ مْكُدَّصُيَوَ رِسِيْمَلْاوَ رِمْخَلْا يفِ ءَاضَغْبَلْاوَ نَوهُتَنْمُ مْتُنْأَ لْهَفَ ةِلاصَّلا نِعَوَ
O you who believe, verily (drinking ) alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing for) idols, drawing fate with arrows, are heinous acts including the actions of Satan. So stay away from these actions so that you will get good luck. Indeed, the devil intends to cause enmity and hatred among you because of (drinking) alcohol and gambling , and preventing you from remembering Allah and praying; then stop you (from doing
the job). There are many opinions and ideas from health experts about this narcotic. They mentioned that this drug is commonly used in the medical world as an anesthetic for patients with certain health problems and functions as an anesthetic when they are going to delay the operation process7. However, nowadays, many misinterpret and have the wrong point of view and mindset as it has been abused because of the use that exceeds the dose limit and at times when it is not necessary to use the drug. Until now, the spread of drugs has been almost inevitable. Given that almost the entire population of the world can easily get drugs from irresponsible people and cause harm to the younger generation8. 7
Vonbach, P., Dubied, A., Krähenbühl, S., & Beer, J. H. (2008). Evaluation of frequently used drug interaction screening programs. Pharmacy World & Science, 30(4), 367-374. doi:10.1007/s11096-008-9191-x
Duff, C. (2005). Party drugs and party people: examining the ‘normalization’ of recreational drug use in Melbourne, Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 16(3), 161- 170 . doi: 001
For example, drug dealers deliberately target children at a vulnerable age to be influenced, such as unfavorable environments, unclear gathering places, and even the school environment is the most likely target for them to get what they want. Of course, this raises great concern for many people, especially parents, mass organizations, and the government. The rampant circulation of the drugs will damage the morals and future of the nation's children9. Numbers of actions have been taken to eradicate drugs abuse by government agencies. However, most of the actions related to law enforcement which is difficult to apply to students’ context. Meanwhile, soft approaches are limited implemented in drug abuse eradication. This study, therefore, is conducted to understand approached taken by Islamic education teachers in preventing drug misuse among junior high school students. This study will contribute to academia and practitioner regarding how to eradicate drug misuses among students using religious approaches. 2. Literature Review 2.1.Islamic Religious Education Teacher Concept 9
Dan, S. L., Maran, J. H. P., Sadan, M., Meehan, P., & Goodhand, J. (2021). The Pat Jasan drug eradication social movement in Northern Myanmar, part one: Origins & reactions. International Journal of Drug Policy, 89
, 103181.
doi: .2021. 10
3181 The world of education does not escape from crucial roles, for example, a teacher. A teacher can be said to have an important role in the world of education because he
is directly involved in the learning process in the classroom. Without a teacher
, no one can teach students, and education cannot take place according to the hopes and objectives of national education. The teachers role is very decisive for success in learning and makes students become smart children and have strong characters10. In Arabic, the teacher is known as al-mu'alim or al-ustadz or al- muaddib or al-mudarrib, which means the person in charge of providing knowledge in taklim majlis. The point is that a teacher by profession is a person who transfers his knowledge well (Jamil Suprihatiningrum 2014). According to Hadari Nawawi, as Ahmad quoted, the teacher is someone with the task and responsibility of providing knowledge in the school environment or the classroom (Ahmad Barizi, 2014). In achieving goals, you must have a certain vision, as well as a teacher who has a vision of what they will do for students, what are the reasons behind it, and how the method or method they use is as good and maximum as possible, as well as whether there is any influence from action to students. Such a mindset 10
Mayer, J. D., & Cobb, C. D. (2000). Educational Policy on Emotional Intelligence: Does It Make Sense? Educational Psychology Review, 12(2), 163-183. doi:10.1023/A:1009093231445
requires an instructional basis based on a systems approach. According to M. Arifin, as quoted by Aat, defines that Islamic religious education is a process that humans must go through to direct students to living conditions with good quality or living properly according to Islamic religious rules11. This will help students to increase their quality as humans who were created with the earliest compared to Allah's creation. Others, based on the nature that has existed in a person since they were born, got teachings from their environment. This religious education is an effort made by humans such as teaching, guiding, and educating children who are expected in the future to become human beings who can live, interpret, understand and practice Islamic teachings properly and correctly. In addition, Islamic religious education is also the basis of life for them in living life for themselves and society (Aat Syafaat, et al, 2008). 2.2. Drugs Drugs have many meanings such as in ancient Greek, interpreted as sedating, or anesthetizing. Linguistically, the word drug comes from English which means an anesthetic, tranquilizer, or anesthetic. The word drug is an abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic substances, 11
Zuhaeriah, Z., Ali, M., & Yusra, Y. (2020). The Role of Islamic Education Teachers Competency in Improving the Quality of Education. International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education, 2(1
), 25-37. and addictive substances12. Drugs are commonly used in medical or military science to anesthetize someone who needs help. Drugs are also very closely related to the prosecutor's office and the National Narcotics Agency as the people who control the misuse of these hazardous materials13. According to Law No. 35 of 2009 states that narcotics is a substance or is also included in the type of
drug originating from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic, which
results in loss or decreased awareness of someone who uses it, loss of taste, can reduce pain caused by the victim suffering that can also be eliminated it, and the wearer can be dependent on these substances but with different levels and groups (Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 35 Article 1 Paragraph 1, 2009). Narcotic drugs can be used to calm the nerves in humans, relieve pain, cause very heavy sleepiness, and can stimulate users14. In addition, 12
Manderson, D. (1995). Metamorphoses: Clashing Symbols in the Social Construction of Drugs. Journal of Drug Issues, 25(4), 799-816
. doi:10.1177/002204269502500410 13 Fuadi, A., Hamzah, R., Admiral, & Adinda4, F. A. (2020).
Responsibilities for The Distribution of School Children Food and Snacks (PJAS) Containing Hazardous Substances in Pekanbaru . Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 1st UMGESHIC International Seminar on Health, Social Science and Humanities (UMGESHIC-ISHSSH 2020
), Pekanbaru. 14
Goldstein, A., & Kaizer, S. (1969). Psychotropic effects of caffeine in man. III. A questionnaire survey of coffee drinking and its effects in a group of housewives. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 10(4), 477-488
. doi: drugs are a general term for all types of substances that function to provide sedation for patients, anesthetize patients when they are about to perform surgery, and reduce the pain they feel. Narcotics have the effect of lowering the awareness of someone who uses them15. Feldberg16 is considered drugs as an anesthetic that cause loss of consciousness and work to weaken the function of the core nerves in the body. 2.3.Islamic Law's View on Narcotics Since the beginning of humans on this earth, humans have known various types of plants that everything that is in them can be processed and used as food or medicine. In the history of this life, marijuana has existed and was used around 2700 BC. In ancient Egypt, this opium substance was used to soothe people who experienced grief until they burst into tears. In the opinion of Ibnu Taimiyah, marijuana consumption and people who consider it lawful will result in the wrath of Allah SWT, the wrath of the Messenger of Allah. The wrath of his believing servants, people who 15
Frank, V. A., Rolando, S., Thom, B., Beccaria, F., Duke, K., & Herold, M. D. (2021). Editorial DEPP: drug experienced young people in contact with the criminal justice system. Understanding the challenges and working towards solutions. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 28(1), 1-6. doi
:10.1080/09687637.2020.1825627 16
Feldberg, W. (1959). A physiological approach to the problem of general anaesthesia and of loss of consciousness. British medical journal
, 2(5155), 771-782. doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5155.771 possess it will get punishment from Allah SWT this is because narcotics and the like are the cause damage to a person's religion, his mind, morals, and character, and can damage limbs and even many other people become victims and inherit the humiliation and humility of the soul of the wearer. There are many more bad consequences caused by narcotics, and because of that, Islam does not allow its people to consume certain types of drugs. Any kind of narcotics, whoever claims it is lawful to consume one type of drug, is included in a group or group of people who lie to Allah SWT. 2.4.Factors That Occurs Due To Drug Abuse The most common ways are making narcotics a part of people's lives, indoctrinating and influencing the community intentionally to make them addicted to these prohibited goods so that people forget their obligations as good citizens. Subvention actions are not only carried out by individuals but have a network that is carried out by a group of people to launch the action. They will enter and mingle in various environments and fields such as education, social, culture, and morals. A person addicted to narcotics will spontaneously will badly need these drugs, which has become a need that must be fulfilled. For addicts, they will not reduce or even increase the dose of use and try all kinds of ways to get it. Users feel that narcotics have enormous benefits and uses for them but put their own safety aside17. 17
Springer, E. (1992). Effective AIDS Prevention with Active Drug Users. Journal of
Narcotics are drugs that often take their toll and do not look at who and how the situation is. The perpetrators of narcotics distribution will first establish good relations with the victims. So if the victim is already addicted to it, the victim will automatically look for and come to the dealer to buy the drugs. According to the researchers, the large number of syndicates that possess parents who are in an area to distribute narcotics in their area is a big factor in the possibility that our youth will be infected with drugs. 2.5.Causes and Effects of Drug Abuse Drug users who violate the rules always give reasons for using these drugs as their escape. Finally, the brand leads to an endless sense of addiction to these addictive substances or narcotics with the wrong actions. Today, many young people choose the wrong association. The wrong association is considered as looking cool and happy. In fact, the wrong association is the beginning of their destruction because of the desire to see what they think is cool, they want to try so that they dissolve and sink into it until they forget how to live their life18. Chemical Dependency Treatment, 4(2), 141-157. doi:10.1300/J034v04n02_13 18
Hambrecht, M., & Häfner, H. (1996). Substance abuse and the onset of schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 40(11), 1155-1163 . doi: 3223(95)00609-5
For a long time, drugs have been one of the country's problems that have never ended. Not just in Indonesia, but it is a problem in all parts of the country. Today, drugs are a threat to the nation's successors, as we all know that many of them are young children who have not graduated from high school or high school. The government made various efforts and issued regulations and then issued a presidential instruction number 6 of 1971, which contained advice and notification to the whole community of the dangers of narcotics abuse and worked together to eradicate the abuse of illegal drugs. It is hoped that all levels of society work hand in hand to carry out good control in order to reduce the risk of losing the next generation who are healthy and intelligent as expected.
3. Methodology This study uses a qualitative approach with the object of
research is State Junior High School 5 in Palu city, Central Sulawesi Province. The state junior high school is a good case to show how soft approaches in drugs misuse eradication have been taken. The use of qualitative methods is based on several considerations. First, adjusting qualitative methods is easier when dealing with multiple realities19. Second, it can directly present the nature of the relationship between 19
Nurdin, N., Pettalongi, S. S., & Mangasing, M. (2021). Implementation of Geographic Information System Base On Google Maps API to Determine Bidikmisi Scholarship Recipient Distribution in Central Sulawesi Indonesia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 3(12), 38-53
. researchers and informants20. Third, this method is more sensitive and adaptable to the many sharpening of the common direction and the patterns of values encountered.21 Based on the results of the visit, field observations, and interviews with school principals and teachers in the state SMP Pasang Kayu, the chosen subjects for the study of pluralism was prominent. Data were collected using observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and studies from shared written documents22. While the data analysis is done using reduction and verification techniques with various data sources23’24. The reduced data is 20
Latepo, I., Suharto, S., & Nurdin, N. (2021). Understanding Muslim Preaching Students’ Use of Social Media. International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, 7(1), 52-66
. 21Nurdin, Nurdin. (
2018). Institutional Arrangements in E-Government Implementation and Use: A Case Study From Indonesian Local Government. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 14(2), 44-63. doi: 10.4018/ijegr.2018040104
Handayani, A. M. S., & Nurdin, N. (2021). Understanding Women’s Psychological Well-Being in Post-Natural Disaster Recovery. Medico Legal Update, 21(3), 151-161
. 23
Askar, A., Adawiyah, A., & Nurdin, N. (2021). Understanding Students’ Psychological Distress Complaints through Online Academic Advising Support. Medico Legal Update, 21(3), 162-167
. 24
Nurdin, N. (2021). Employing Online and Offline Qualitative Interpretive Case Studies in Understanding E-Procurement Effectiveness. International Journal of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, 9(1), 23-41
. then analyzed by claiming to the theoretical concepts used in this study. 4. Results And Discussion 4.1 The Rate of Drug Abuse in State Junior High School Most of the perpetrators of narcotics abuse are young people who are still unstable and easily influenced by invitations from friends and people they know. Curiosity and wanting to try are higher than first thinking about the impact25. If a student has been developed from a young age by the environment and the people involved, it will most likely be carried over until adulthood. Based on the results of interviews while conducting research, researchers received information from the school that drug abuse at SMP Negeri 5 Palu out of 427 students contained 60 students who are indicated for the use of drugs, and 5 of them were in the process of rehabilitation. Many students at SMP Negeri 5 Palu are influenced by invitations to try something they think is cool to do. As a result, they fall into drug abuse which results in damage to their physical and mental development and has a major impact on their social environment. Around five students now have to be rehabilitated due to addiction, and it is difficult to control themselves using illegal drugs again, 25
ONG, T.-H. (1989). Peers as Perceived by Drug Abusers in their Drug- Seeking Behaviour. British Journal of Addiction, 84(6), 631-637
doi: 0443 .1989.tb03478. x
so they require more intensive treatment in a rehabilitation center. The other 55 students who are indicated to use narcotics do not have to be rehabilitated because they are still in a phase where it is possible to be given guidance regarding the dangers of narcotics and undergo treatment at home and get strict control from the school. 4.2.Prevention Against Drug Abuse From the results of interviews with several educators at SMP Negeri 5 Palu, including the principal of SMP Negeri 5 Palu, Islamic religious education teachers, and counseling guidance (BK) teachers, with the background of increasing drug abuse in SMP Negeri 5 Palu, the school collaborated with The National Agency for Narcotic (BNN), and the health (medical) team, this collaboration is based on the existence of students or students who are indicated by drugs, this can be known by the movements of students in class such as no passion or enthusiasm, blank stares, pale face, silent, thin and others. With the condition of students like that, the school called the National Agency for Narchotic of Palu to take action. The initial action taken by the school and the National Agency for Narchotic was to do a urine test for all students in grades VII, VIII, IX, and the results of 427 students were 60 students exposed to drug abuse at SMP Negeri 5 Palu. After conducting a raid, the school gave the names of students exposed to drug abuse by the BNN so that integration of these students was immediately carried out, and the school appealed to the National Agency for Narchotic so that they were not harsh in integrating, how their thoughts are indoctrinated to be more relaxed and willing to talk when the National Agency for Narchotic integrated regarding the drug abuse they use, with the school giving it to the National Agency for Narchotic. After knowing the results of the urine test, the school conducts a Full Day program from morning to evening, from Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 15:00 this is done to keep the students busy with activities that are at school, Saturdays and Sundays are used to gather with family, so that students really feel the love of their parents, many activities are carried out by the school for students such as Scouts, Youth Red Cross, Marching Band, boxing, read poetry, speeches in 3 languages Arabic, English, Indonesian, and so on according to the interests and talents of the students, and from the school in collaboration with TVRI Palu to cover all activities carried out at SMP Negeri 5 Palu, this we do so that our students are motivated to take part in these activities, besides that the school also has an Islamic talent class program, in addition to an art class wherein the program there are several activities including Al-Qur'an calligraphy, hafidz Qur'an, and recitations, as for the art class activities such as dances and so on Every activity carried out by the National Agency for Narchotic of Palu management to provide material related to the dangers of drugs, with the policy carried out by the school principal towards students, was quite successful because of the 60 students who were exposed and during the pandemic period the school received reports from parents them, and currently, the students of SMP Negeri 5 Palu are clean from drug abuse. Thus it is said that students at SMP Negeri 5 Palu are clean from drug abuse. 4.3.Approach of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Drug Abuse Prevention There are several approaches used by educators in activities to tackle drug abuse at SMP Negeri 5 Palu: Cultural Approach, Educators at SMP Negeri 5 Palu use this approach to students by developing interests and talents that exist in students, such as: In this case, students will be motivated to carry out positive activities where they participate in activities carried out by the school such as scouting, boxing, youth red cross (PMR), and arts such as traditional dance, and so on. This approach is also carried out so that students, without realizing this will solve a problem that is around them. Here they are invited to solve a problem that exists both at school and in the environment where they live. Personality Psychology Approach, This approach is carried out so that educator participants are able to shape the character and attitudes, and behavior of students so that they become more mature in responding to all the problems that occur in their lives. It cannot be denied that everyone has group and personal problems. Students of those who no longer live with their parents, or who still live with their parents but are too busy with their work, finally the child do not get too much love, this is also what makes the child or student look for friends which makes them comfortable, through this approach it is hoped that students will be able to choose a friend who will bring them closer to Allah SWT, not make them violate what Allah SWT has forbidden to humans, especially with the increasingly tough youth association today, that causes more harm. Family Approach, not only educators in schools who are responsible for their students, families are essential for students in building household harmony. How can they create an Islamic family that respects one another and creates Harmony in a household is all created within the family environment so that one family gets true peace. In this case,
the role of parents is very influential in the growth and development of children
's behavior. Indeed, parents are places where children get love, attention, good education, become good role models for their children, and provide a decent life for their children. 5. Conclusion
Based on the results of research conducted at SMP Negeri 5 Palu
, the following conclusions can be drawn: The level of drug abuse against students at SMP Negeri 5 Palu is very high. It can even be said that the school is a red zone. From the results of interviews that the author got from the school and the National Agency for Narchotic of Palu, students exposed to drug abuse at SMP Negeri 5 Palu in 2019 were around 60 children. The prevention is done by implementing several policies and programs from the principal and taking several approaches to students to make them feel comfortable. The activities carried out by the school include conducting leadership training as well as socializing on the impact of the dangers of drugs for students, conducting programs full day, religious development, and another positive actvities. The approaches taken by the teachers in preventing drug abuse are pedagogic approaches, cultural approaches, personality psychology approaches, family approaches, emotional approaches, Islamic guidance, counseling approaches, and religiosity approaches. With this approach, initially, students were exposed to drug abuse at SMP Negeri 5 Palu in 2019. There were 60 children, and now there are 5 more children who REFERENCES Barr, R. B., & Tagg, J. (1995). From Teaching to Learning — A New Paradigm For Undergraduate Education. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 27(6), 12-26. doi:10.1080/00091383.1995.1054 4672 Dan, S. L., Maran, J. H. P., Sadan, M., Meehan, P., & Goodhand, J. (2021). The Pat Jasan drug eradication social movement in Northern Myanmar, part one: Origins & reactions. International Journal of Drug Policy, 89, 103181. doi: rugpo.2021.103181 Duff, C. (2005). Party drugs and party people: examining the ‘normalization’ of recreational drug use in Melbourne, Australia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 16(3), 161-170. doi: rugpo.2005.02.001 Feldberg, W. (1959). A physiological approach to the problem of general anaesthesia and of loss of consciousness. British medical journal, 2(5155), 771-782. doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5155.771 Frank, V. A., Rolando, S., Thom, B., Beccaria, F., Duke, K., & Herold, M. D. (2021). Editorial DEPP: drug experienced young people in contact with the criminal justice system. Understanding the challenges and working towards solutions. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 28(1), 1-6. doi:10.1080/09687637.2020.1825 627 Fuadi, A., Hamzah, R., Admiral, & Adinda4, F. A. (2020). Responsibilities for The Distribution of School Children Food and Snacks (PJAS) Containing Hazardous Substances in Pekanbaru. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 1st UMGESHIC International Seminar on Health, Social Science and Humanities (UMGESHIC-ISHSSH 2020), Pekanbaru. Goldstein, A., & Kaizer, S. (1969). Psychotropic effects of caffeine in man. III. A questionnaire survey of coffee drinking and its effects in a group of housewives. Pharmacology 10(4), & Clinical Therapeutics, 477-488. doi: t1969104477 Hambrecht, M., & Häfner, H. (1996). Substance abuse and the onset of schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 40(11), 1155-1163. doi: 006-3223(95)00609-5 Latepo, I., Suharto, S., & Nurdin, N. (2021). Understanding Muslim Preaching Students’ Use of Social Media. International Journal of International Relations, Media and Mass Communication Studies, 7(1), 52-66. Manderson, D. (1995). Metamorphoses: Clashing Symbols in the Social Construction of Drugs. Journal of Drug Issues, 25(4), 799-816. doi:10.1177/00220426950250041 0 Mayer, J. D., & Cobb, C. D. (2000). Educational Policy on Emotional Intelligence: Does It Make Sense? Educational Psychology Review, 12(2), 163- 183. doi:10.1023/A:1009093231445 Nurdin, N., Pettalongi, S. S., & Mangasing, M. (2021). 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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 67 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 68 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 69 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 70 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 71 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 72 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 73 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 74 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 75 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 76 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 77 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 78 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2022 79 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439